Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

Hi, I know this post is old but I have the same problem. Browsers all don't let me connect. This happened right after using adwcleaner (latest version).

I tried all the fixes found on internet. I'm about to reset my computer which I do NOT want to do..

My log: I can only post a pic since I cannot copy log. These are the keys it deleted:

Re: Probleme au lancement d'adw cleaner sous vista sp2

Bonjour tout d'abord merci de votre réponse.

je ne dispose pas de la machine a l'heure actuelle, je devrais travailler dessus vendredi.

Oui j'ai tester adw en mode sans echec avec et sans prise en charge reseau j'ai désinstallé google chrome et firefox et rien a faire au lancement d'adw et lance des instances internet explorer en boucle jusqu'au plante de la machine avec utilisation cpu a 100...

Re: Can I delete this file detected by adwcleaner?


First of all, sorry for the late answer.

This detection was a false positive. It shoud no longer be detected by AdwCleaner.


Re: Casastrophic failure

# AdwCleaner v6.043 - Logfile created 04/02/2017 at 06:17:54 # Updated on 27/01/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-02-03.2 [Local] # Operating System : Windows (TM) Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2 (X64) # Username : user - USER-PC # Running from : C:\Users\user\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.043 (1).exe # Mode: Clean # Support :


***** [ Services ] *****


Can I delete this file detected by adwcleaner?

Can I delete this file detected by adwcleaner?

Thank you



Re: AdwCleaner - False detection?



It seems to be a remaining trace of a previous infection, you can safely delete it.

Best regards,

Re: AdwCleaner needs a .dll for running


You can't use any sqlite3.dll file, AdwCleaner uses a very specific one. We'll need some cleaning before:

- Launch AdwCleaner, ignore the error message. Click on File > Uninstall.


  1. Download CCleaner from here, and install it.
  2. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  3. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours....

Re: ADWCleaner *again* deleted a folder it shouldn't


Thanks for your feedback.

Can you share the full cleaning logfile showing this result?


ADWCleaner *again* deleted a folder it shouldn't

As with this thread,

ADWCleaner is at it again. have a SERIOUS bug in this arena. I just spent a day helping a friend find his missing folder of valuable bird photos.

ADWcleaner removed them: from the three log files...

[-] Folder deleted: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Birds

From his perspective: 1.5GB, 2000+ valuable bird photos including several weeks of work, all gone.
