Re: a cessé de fonctionner

2018-01-28 17:07:25.975 DEBUG [13944] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986)
2018-01-28 17:07:25.980 DEBUG [10388] [MainUI::Entry@1277] [+] Checking for update...
2018-01-28 17:07:26.370 DEBUG [10388] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1
2018-01-28 17:07:26.370 DEBUG [10388] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@289] [!] Issuer OK
2018-01-28 17:07:26.371 DEBUG [10...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


Thanks. The logfile seems truncated. Can you please upload it here: - Then, share me the generated link.

Thanks again.

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working


I re-ran Adwcleaner today in debug mode.  The log file is below as you requested.



2018-01-17 13:09:09.941 DEBUG [7100] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2018-01-17 13:09:09.956 DEBUG [7508] [MainUI::Entry@1277] [+] Checking for update... 2018-01-17 13:09:11.369 DEBUG [7508] [AdwCleanerSDK::checkCA@272] OID: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 2018-01-17 1...

Re: logiciel bloque


Pouvez-vous utiliser MB-Check:

Hebergez le fichier genere sur


Advanced System Care

I've been using IObit's advanced system care and other progs for a long time now, on recommendation of a techie.  I have successfully told Malwarebytes not to remove it, although Mb obviously hates it.  However, I've just had a problem with recurring PUPs and thought I'd turn to ADW because my current stronger package is playing silly-b's since a recent update.  But it just came up with a board...

Re: lavasoft web companion

Thanks for the scan logfile.

Can you then click on "Clean", let AdwCleaner do his work, and then please share the generated logfile after reboot?


Re: AdwCleaner not a valid application

Also, icon is generic and there is no digital signature. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

Re: Caught unhandled unknown exception ; terminating


Nous sommes au courant de ce problème et il sera résolu avec la mise en ligne de la prochaine version majeure d'AdwCleaner (v7.1).

En attendant, vous pouvez essayer d'exécuter AdwCleaner en mode sans échec (voir :

Désolé pour la gêne occasionnée.


Major difficulties with AdwCleaner v.

I am helping a friend clean a grossly infected computer. Windows 10. Uses McAfee AV.

He ran Malwarebytes 3 without difficulty and it cleaned with no problem at all. I do have the log if needed but cannot find a way to attach the text file

He then attempted to use AdwCleaner v. but it would not complete cleaning and received a box with notification that a problem had stopped the clean....

Re: Vrai ou faux Adware ? (Is this a false positive? )


Il s'agit d'un FP et il sera corrigé rapidement.

Désolé pour la gêne occasionnée.
