

  • So please launch AdwCleaner.
  • Do a scan.
  • Then, in the "Services" tab, please unselect "UCGuard".
  • Click on "Clean", the computer will reboot.

Finally, please share the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt (where xx is the highest number you have).

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-08-31 11:31:57 (UTC)

yeah. It work. but what is the "UCGuard"? How to delete it?




Have you already done a "Clean", with UCGuard unselected in the Services tab ?

Of so, can you share me the file AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt ?

fr33tux, 2016-08-31 04:35:14 (UTC)

Sorry. but I can't find the files you mention

Re: Désinstallation de MPC Cleaner


Désolé de remonter un vieux topic, mais l'infection est toujours d'actualité (ce qui montre que les dires des développeurs de ce logiciels sont bidons).

christophedlr, 2016-08-29 09:31:44 (UTC)

Pouvez-vous détailler ?


J'ai moi aussi le problème depuis le début de la matinée (6h du matin quand même), j'ai tenté ce qui est dit sur les 3 premières pages de ce topic sans succès. ...

I'm getting really frustrated now...

How come I always get threats? I make sure I visit barely any websites other than YouTube and I still get threats sometimes. Here's the log:

What is this and how can you get something like this?  After using the internet, I got a warning from Malwarebytes that a malicious website has been blocked:

Adwcleaner successfully removed the things li...

Re: Autolt error line 11754


Le problème n'as pas été corrigée pour ma part, (même erreur mais "Line 14856") :

Autolt Error : Line 14856 (File "C:\Users\enzoc\Documents\Logiciels\adwcleaner_6.0010.exe"):


Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.

Ma config (Lenovo Z51-70 - Laptop) :

- i7 5500U

- 12 Go ram

- Amd Readon R7 m360 / HD Graphic 5500

- Win...

Re: Entry Point EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding not found


Here is what we gonna try to get it fixed :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop;
  • Launch it with administrator rights;
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry;
  • Then click on the "Execute" button;
  • When everything is finish, the software will close itself;
  • Then a report appear on the notepad, please copy paste it's content in your answer.

Tell ...

Re: adw cleaner not responding when cleaning


The "other post above" is this one :


No, you're at the right place.

Can you relaunch AdwCleaner, Tools > Options. Tick "Debug" in the mode section.

Then, do a scan, and a clean. Wait until it freezes, and share the generated logfile from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.

It's probably quite huge, so please host it on and share the generated link.


Re: AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.


How do I paste .jpg/.png, for future reference?

mnf, 2016-08-20 08:15:26 (UTC)

You'll have to host it somewhere (imgur, up2share, ..) and then just use:


Re: Cannot remove this Service? New database bug?

on AdwCleaner by ****


It has been fixed with the latest database update.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

fr33tux, 2016-08-19 15:31:50 (UTC)

Yup, looks good here. ~Thanks!

Re: Can't remove these

Thank you. I have a question how do I make the maximize the screen or make it bigger? I can't seem to see what is below scan, clean, and logfile.

nancyp604, 2016-08-19 17:31:25 (UTC)

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