AdwCleaner 6.010 Registry Threats?


Now I've used the newest AdwCleaner version 6.0.1 and got 5 errors. My computer is running fine so I'm hesitant to delete these without knowing exactly what they are. Can you tell me, one-by-one, what these threats are precisely? I'd really appreciate it.

I believe the first four are related to Sony software on my Vaio.

Thank you.

***** [ Registry ] *****

Key Found:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\C...

Version 6.000 detects firefox prefs.js

on AdwCleaner by ****
Hi, Just wanted to let know that the newest version (6.000) detects the firefox [prefs.js] on lines 735 (and when commented out, it detects 734) and, after some scans, 104. I went to check what was on those lines and...: 104: user_pref("camera.control.face_detection.enabled", false); 734: user_pref("noscript.showVolatilePrivatePermissionsToggle", false); 735: user_pref("

Re: AdwCleaner v5.201 - Rapport créé le 31/07/2016 à 22:41:09


Oui, vous pouvez supprimer les éléments. Ils sont reliés à Ask.


Re: SQLite3.dll

on AdwCleaner by ****


The error may be normal with previous releases (before 5.107). If you got it while running the v5.110, it's related to an old sqlite3.dll in your %temp% folder.

Nothing to worry about.

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-04-12 17:02:45 (UTC)

Actually I believe I got it while running 5.109.  Below are five logfiles, with the first two from being before the error, the third being at the tim...

Re: Polish translation

on AdwCleaner by ****

It looks as if a kid wrote it, most languages don't use such capitalization (English is an exception). I would change it in all translations except Portuguese and Turkish.

Sentences like "Włącz Ochronę W Czasie Rzeczywistym" just look funny in Polish and nobody writes that way. If you don't believe me, check Microsoft's style guides:

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

on AdwCleaner by ****


I'm having something simmilar happen to me when using adw cleaner.

Frequently when I have run adwcleaner after the reboot it takes very long for the user to login. After the login process Windows will give a notification "failed to connect to windows service". I'm not sure what service it was but probably the user profile service. It will not be possible to connect to the internet with...

Is egui.exe in the registry a false positive?

I downloaded the new ADWCleaner 5.103 this morning, and ran it.  It found one registry key:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\Image File Execution Options\egui.exe

I went to the key in the Registry, and the key has no value.

I have ESet Smart Security 8.0.319,0 installed, and I believe that this key could be part of the ESet registry setup. Could you tell me whether or not th...

Re: ligne de commande


Pour ma part , nous dépannons beaucoup de pc en atelier , nous disposons d'un magasin d'informatique et de ce fait , cela nous aiderai en temps pour traiter plus de machines rapidement .

Re: does not stay on computer

I downloaded and installed AdwCleaner but when I exit the program there is nothing left.  I have no icons to re-open and it does not appear in my Un-install list.

skylane42, 2016-03-16 15:19:29 (UTC)

This is because of this program is considered as portable one and it make no records in the registry. It also creates no any links and runs from its executable file (from which it's installs)....

Re: does not stay on computer

I downloaded and installed AdwCleaner but when I exit the program there is nothing left.  I have no icons to re-open and it does not appear in my Un-install list.

skylane42, 2016-03-16 15:19:29 (UTC)

This is because of this program is considered as portable one and it make no records in the registry. It also creates no any links and runs from its executable file (from which it's installs)....