Re: Impossible de modifier l'écran d'accueil sous W10


Voici une copie de AdwCleaner[C1].txt . J'ai aussi un fichier AdwCleaner[S1].txt

Est-il possible de mettre ces fichiers en pièce jointe ?

# AdwCleaner v5.017 - Rapport créé le 04/11/2015 à 15:39:51
# Mis à jour le 03/11/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2015-11-03.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (x64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Pascal - TABLETTEHP
# Exécuté depu...

Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

Many people use AdwCleaner on their own too, but ok, this is your decision.


Please also remove the space before colons in the logfiles if possible.  

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

The program ran perfectly! So pleased! Thanks for the rapid fix.

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit


Looks like this is the same bug as on this topic ( in french ) :

Can you try running this version of AdwCleaner :

If you don't have any issue with this version, your problem will be solved with v5.037 which wil...

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

Hello, I downloaded a new copy from Bleepingcomputer and ran the program again this morning. During the run the progress slider stopped at approximately 1/4 of the away across with the wording, I believe, saying "searching for generic elements". It stayed that way for approximately 5 and one-half minutes and (not responding) showing across the top edge of the program. Suddenly the (not respondi...

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit


Can you provide me with AdwCleaner's debug logfile ? Just run AdwCleaner, click on "Options" then "Activate debug mode".

Try running the scan. Even if it does not complete, you should have a file called "AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxx.txt" inside C:\AdwCleaner.

Please post its content in your next reply.

Moreover, do you have this issue only on W10 64b ? Did you try with other versions ?


Re: Missed remnants


I think it's better to keep "Uninstall" since the button is inside AdwCleaner's GUI. It's not like in the add/remove programs where it will be relevant to have "Uninstall AdwCleaner" 

Your corrections will be added in v5.037.


Re: Bug avec les versions : 5.034, 5.035 & 5.036 (ne finit pas le scanne)

Super nouvelle.....

Grand merci pour le travail.


Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

I tried the test version you posted in another topic and I see it includes in the updated translation. Thanks again!

But was there any particular of keeping "Uninstall" intact? I think it would be better if it says "Uninstall AdwCleaner" because some people may think this button uninstalls adware. Are there are any text length issues? No way to display the "Uninstall" and "AdwCleaner" words in...

Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

I have a new computer running Windows 10 64bit. I first tried to download and use AdwCleaner version 5.033 on Feb. 14 with the download from Bleepingcomputer The program would run but would not clean. When hitting the clean button the program would appear to begin to clean but then it would just close. No cleaning done, no log created. I was able to run the Uninstall. I tried again with brand n...