Re: More false positives

You know that, i know that, but a schoolstudent does not. As a servicedeskmanager i have been promoting adwcleaner for years on our schools but now it's causing confusion among collegues and other cliënts when adwcleaner is stating that there might be a problem or maybe something is a PUP while there isnt anything wrong. I understand there's a behavior pattern wich puts it in a categorie for ma...


Good day  forum    Programming environment  Visual STUDIO  2015, Windows  Driver , and WinDivert (

Am a research student on DNS RESOLVER IMPLEMENTED AS A WINDOWS SERVICE  (MAIN FEATURE INTERCEPTION AND REDIRECTION TO ANOTHER HOSTED DNS SERVER)  with WinDivert     I just started  looking at WinDivert (      My Programming envir...

Re: Start\Windows icon

Have you noticed anything else weird/out of the ordinary on your PC? Can you try booting into Windows "Safe mode with networking" and see if you can do any of the actions through that. Otherwise, I would recommend doing a thorough malware check just in case.

Full and thorough malware check:

1. Restart your PC in “Safe mode with networking.” 2. Install and run RKill to kill malicious processes...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning


I see other have responded - that the version - still doesent work  after the latest Windows10 update.   

Your program - is 'the best' / 'fastest'  - Clean Program Ever - therefore hope problem will be solved :)  Thank You Jens H. Nielsen, Denmark 


Nb - I use (have done for years - the free Avast virus protection. Have tried to deactivate Avast - during run - No difference - s...

Re: Problems

V7.0.2.0 Beta:  Thanks for your statement about 'Initial work to choose between release|beta update tracks',  In response, I'm reporting on my confusion this morning about which version the 'Download' button is going to give me.

* The 'Download' button at downloads V7.0.1.0.  There is a mention on the webpage of V7.0.2.0 Beta, but no in...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

Please give a try to the method Josh shared.

[Solved] Eliminar "newcpuspeedcheck" virus [ESP /// ENG] Delete virus "newcpuspeedcheck"

"newcpuspeed", "newcpuspeedcheck" y "cpufix.exe" es el nombre del nuevo virus que infecta nuestras memorias USB y nuestra computadora.

Se tiene investigado que el virus empezó a infectar las computadoras desde Junio del 2017. El virus infecta al USB creando un acceso directo llamado "Downloads" y una carpeta invisible llamada "newcpuspeedcheck". Dentro de dicha carpeta, contiene los siguientes...

Re: Download and 3rd party providers

Particular install features, Failure to detect exe, inability to identify application install folder. The program is crashing at 90% when scanning. One such example: 

I do not have other forum links at hand, but when I have time to go through them, I will be sure to keep you updated.

By the...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

Well.... My previous solution in Windows "Safe mode with networking" should help you out if you haven't done that. Alternatively, you could try using RKill to kill malicious software first. Then remove the identified files manually, afterward do a thorough scan with Malwarebytes, AdwCleaner, and HitmanPro. This should definitely yield some results.

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

This ever get fixed? I cant remove this.