on AdwCleaner by ****


When running adwcleaner on dell inspiron 3000 with windows 10 the above error occurs. The machine the restarts and goes through the motions of installing and applying updates.

Re: AdwCleaner 5.005 probleme trojan

bonjour xplode

merci oui c'est corrigé

Re: AdwCleaner & Missing "Update Information"


This bug has been fixed in v5.005. So when v5.006 will be online, if you run v5.005 you'll get the warning message.


AdwCleaner & Missing "Update Information"

Hello everybody,

since version >5 i'm missing the update information, when AdwCleaner has been started and a newer version is available. Will this function be available in the next versions?

Thanks Michael

Re: AdwCleaner 5.005 probleme trojan

on AdwCleaner by ****

même problème !

[résolu] AdwCleaner 5.005 probleme trojan

Bonjour c'est la première fois que jai des problèmes avecAdwCleaner

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware trouve ceci : trojan.autoit

et aussi sur virus total

 que faire ?


adwcleaner 5.0.5


great job!

perfect ita vers!


Re: HELP [How do I make Adw clean Opera browser?]


Presto is no longer used in Opera since a few years. Only old Opera versions ( which are not recommended to use ) uses this layout engine.

Re: Ligne de commande


la version CLI est prévue pour dans environ un mois.

Je vous propose de lire cet article (ci ce n'est pas déjà fait) afin d'en apprendre plus sur cette version :
