Re: Problems


Just a follow-up.

I hope these amendments clears up the confusion.


Adware Beta 3 Still crashing Win 7

After download & install, I checked debug. Upon launch, a message said this was outdated version, and asked if I wanted a newer version. I said OK. Still crashed.

Thank I returned and downloaded the "updated" version, which was the same, but this time said no to a newer version. It will not go beyond heuristics analysis. Here's the error message.

Problem signature:   Problem Event Name:    BE...

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom

Future here! Hopefully, you will be able to understand this in English. Decided, to surf some older posts and add some information to what we now know. 2 Vendors currently have a decryptor for it as part of the "No More Ransom" project (Not related to this extension, this extension is just mocking). You can find Kaspersky's and McAfee's versions respectively. Additionally, you can read more abo...

Re: Start\Windows icon

Well, plenty of work there, Josh! I've done virtually them all including Hitman Pro,MBAM, AdwCleaner, CCleaner but no change in anything, still same problem with the Start icon. Just can't wonder what I've done. Oh, and System Restore hasn't worked for months in my Win 10 so downloaded and was using Restore Point Creator which was better, but that nearly alway fails to work. Reformatting is a b...

Re: Win10PESE startup


Since you're booting from a DVD, the 5 minutes boot time seems reasonable. When you boot from this kind of support/device, a lot of things are loaded in the RAM itself. It also depends on the max speed provided by your disk reader.

Are you suggesting I boot from the ISO itself on disk? If so, I don't know how to do that.

JW01, 2017-08-16 14:20:15 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it isn't doable...

Re: AdwCleaner stops working!

Hi, I had the same problem, it would do a scan and then when I would clean it would stop right away and say Caught and some other things can't think of offhand but it would not let me x it out and would have to minimize it and then right click to close window.  That was from the time it went from 7.0.0 to the 7.0.1.  I know it changes after a few weeks or so so I have been checking every few da...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning

Hi Again  Made an effort in running Debug - and getting the Log - after latest HangUp of program - in the Heuristic Scanning : -----------------------------------------------------------------------

2017-08-08 23:04:10.094 DEBUG [6148] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-08 23:04:10.095 DEBUG [4460] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-08...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning


I see other have responded - that the version - still doesent work  after the latest Windows10 update.   

Your program - is 'the best' / 'fastest'  - Clean Program Ever - therefore hope problem will be solved :)  Thank You Jens H. Nielsen, Denmark 


Nb - I use (have done for years - the free Avast virus protection. Have tried to deactivate Avast - during run - No difference - s...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning

I've used AdwCleaner BETA2 on my PC (Windows 10 Pro x64) and I've encountered no problem with (except the alert box about outdated (beta) version you've just to cancel and "Quarantine bug").

Are you sure of integrity of binary file you've downloaded? MD5 checksum correct value for v7.0.2.0 beta2 must be: ce116e89dfb4b0df2a4128b0f8470e36

If the downloaded file is good, perhaps AdwClean...

Adware and i don't know what to do

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Adware.Heuristic, \Downloaded Installers\{90160000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office16.PROPLUS_{E296D50E-EFEB-48F5-9CBE-5A335AE2D49F} PUP.Adware.Heuristic, \Installer\{90160000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office16.PROPLUS_{E296D50E-EFEB-48F5-9CBE-5A335AE2D49F}

***** [ Registry ] *****

PUP.Adware.Heuristic, [Key] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low...