After several weeks without any new features, we publish a new section on the website : a blog ! We'd like to be closer to our users to be transparent, to communicate easily... and it was a tool we missed for that.

We are so pleased to introduce you this new section... also dedicated to developers !

A blog...

You can find on this space the team's blogposts about the services we offer. For instance when we launch an update, we will use it to explain : the reason of this update, which features appear, what does it bring to you... ?

We really hope to be close to you, and to inform you easily.


But we are not the only one who need to inform our users.

Indeed, this new section is also open... to developers !

Everyone got its own blog, accessible from the dashboard. Each article you write are accessible in your own personal section to ensure readability (but you can publish it in our blog section on demand).

It's now really simple to introduce your roadmap and for instance what are the directions you want to take in the future. Or you may use it to inform your users bout new features introduced in an update... You are free to write what you want here, this section is yours !


And other improvements !

Beyond the blog, we improve the interface and the user experience : a refactored sign in/sign up page now nicer to use, a prettier font and a lot of other minor modifications.

We will bring other features in the coming weeks and months. Some of them will not be visible, some will be. In any case, the website evolves according to your requirements and feedbacks.

See you (very) soon !

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