• * Fix some Bugs * Add to windows context menu (right click on a file or a folder to hash)
  • * Support multiple languages (English & french) * Generate a checksumfile (Create a checksumfile supported format are *.sfv *.md5 *.sha1  ) * verify checksum from checksumfile (*.sfv*.md5*.sha1) * Wordlist hashing (hashing a wordlist ) * Dark theme  * save file icon * Advanced file information (get deep information of .exe or .sys file) * HMAC (SHA1> SHA512 & MD5 & RIPMED160)
  • Version 1.0 : .... Version 2.0 : * Supports file & string hashing  * Drag and drop support (drag an file or Folder into Advanced checksum utility 2.0 and it will automatically add it) * Support multiple hashing algorithms (MD5,SHA1>SHA512,CRC32) * Hash verifiying (check the hashes with the corresponding file to ensure the integrity of the File is correct) * Running process hashing (Add running process to get their Hash) * File information (You can get information about of any file in the list and save it) * Send a hash to VirusTotal (chek if the given hash is in VirusTotal Database and see if infected) * Show hashes in Upper or lower case * Save selected or all added files into a HTML document * Customizable Tool (You can change View mode or enable or disable Gridlines...) * Portable Tool (requires no installing) * 32-Bit and 64-Bit support
  • 1.Fix Bugs 2.Add Copy to clipboard Function

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