We provide free services, but we also have many costs !

Ads allow us to fund a part of the infrastructure (about a quarter). However, we wish being  able not to use any ads at all.

You can help us reach this aim by making a donation !

Even if it's a small one, it will be used to improve the infrastructure, to make it stronger and to go on  providing these services.

To know how you can make a donation, please refer to this page.

Finally, if you are an expert at coding, or if you master a  coding language or whatever else, please contact us : we need some help to improve ToolsLib !

You need to create an account if you want to host your software (please see "I'm a developer, how can I host my software ?" for more information).

Also, if you want to publish a comment or tu follow updates of your favorite software, you need to create an account (to avoid abuses).

In other cases, registration is optional.

You can subscribe to a software by mail to follow its updates and receive a digest by mail.

You just have to click on the button "Follow" to the top hand corner of a software's page. Then, each time the software will be updated you will receive an email to inform you.

You can unsubscribe by clicking on the same button (which is called "Unfollow" since you follow the sofware).

Please contact us by mail to report the problem and we'll try to fix that as soon as possible.

You can also contact us on the forum, and on IRC : irc.quakenet.org channel #gct.

It's easy!

You just have to create an account on this page (just fill in the form and select the "Developer" option). Once the account is created, you just have to go to your control panel, to upload and host your software.

To avoid abuses, the first submission must be validated by administrators. We approve submissions as soon as possible. When you update your software, it will automatically be published (as it has been validated before).


Our purpose isn't to make money, we only want to provide a performing and efficient service while respecting your privacy and work. Indeed, we don't sell any data to third parties, We don't accept a purely financial partnership or which doesn't respect our values (See the Terms of Service for more informations).

That's why, we have to use ads to help financing the platform and the its infrastructure. We try to display as few ads as possible and hope being  able not to display  ads any more in the future (See the section "Can I help you ?" for more informations).

ToolsLib is a hosting platform providing storage solutions for developers.

Please see the About page for more information.

Nowadays more than ever, we think that every connection should be encrypted using secure protocols to protect yourself. The server hosting ToolsLib is configured to use the Forward Secrecy, a SSL/TLS property which guarantees the confidentiality of past connections even if the server is hacked or stolen.

Moreover, the use of HTTPS guarantees some protections for the downloads made from this website : an on-the-fly modification of your downloads is very difficult (while it's quite easy in HTTP). A checksum is also provided to check the integrity of what your are going to download.. You can read the details about certificates and ciphering by clicking on the small lock in the adress bar.

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