Everytime I try to scan my pc with adwcleaner It stops responding, and my pc stops to respond too.

Re: Adwcleaning crashing pc


Please do as follow:

  1. Relaunch AdwCleaner,
  2. Click on Tools > Options,
  3. Here, tick "Debug" in the "Mode" section,
  4. Then, do a scan.

Wait until it crashes. Then, just close AdwCleaner through the Task manager. A debug logfile should be available here: C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.

Please share it using Up2Sha.re. Just copy/paste the generated link in your next answer.


Re: Adwcleaning crashing pc


Thanks! It will be fixed very soon, you'll just have to launch AdwCleaner and the update will applies automatically.

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