Hello, Désolé si le sujet à déjà été abordé mais je n'ai âs trouver mon bonheur en recherchant dans le forum. Je tente de trouver une version d'Adw Cleaner qui serait ompatible avec mon vieux notepad Asus qui tourne sur windows XP sp3 (je sais c'est un drôle d'idée, vous moquez pas svp)... De ce que j'en ai compris, les versions de la séries 3 seraient adaptées. Quelqu'un saurait t'il me trouver le lien qui va bien ? D'avance merci !

Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3


AdwCleaner est toujours compatible WIndows XP, y compris avec la version 6.

Tenez moi au courant si vous rencontrez un problème avec.


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

Has the ability to get database updates with XP SP3 been fixed? I am still unable to get updates running 6.046 running on XP SP3. I have seen in various responses that database updates have been released.

Still getting release number, database and sending stat errors in the debug log.



Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3


Yes, the issue was fixed a few weeks ago, I din't post any update about it - sorry.

Do you access ToolsLib through XP SP3? If so, there shouldn't be any problems with AdwCleaner neither.

Can you provide the lines from the debug log?


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

Here are the error lines from my latest scan with 6.046. it is also still happening with 6.045


2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     INFO    [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<< 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     INFO    [main] - Version: 6.046 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     INFO    [main] - RAM Usage: 63 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     INFO    [main] - OS: WIN_XP Service Pack 3 X86 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.language] - Checking the language 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.language] - Language found: en 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.network] - Checking the network connectivity 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.network] - Network connectivity status: True 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.eula] - Checking for EULA agreement 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.network] - Check for updates 2017-05-16 20:21:50 :     <INFO>    [main.network] - Requesting the last release number 2017-05-16 20:21:51 :     <ERROR>    [main.network] - Failure when requesting the release number (13) 2017-05-16 20:21:54 :     <ERROR>    [main.network] - Failure when requesting the latest database release number (13) 2017-05-16 20:21:54 :     <INFO>    [main.network] - Updating definitions 2017-05-16 20:21:55 :     <ERROR>    [main.network] - Failure when requesting the latest database (1 - 13) 2017-05-16 20:21:55 :     <ERROR>    [database] - Database update failed: Null | 0      <INFO>    [scan] - Stopping scan 2017-05-16 20:23:28 :     <ERROR>    [main.com] - COM Error: 80020009 - Exception occurred. 2017-05-16 20:23:28 :     <ERROR>    [main.stats] - Error while sending stats 2017-05-16 20:23:28 :     <ERROR>    [main.com] - COM Error: 80020009 - Exception occurred. 2017-05-16 20:23:28 :     <ERROR>    [main.stats] - Error while sending stats (2) 2017-05-16 20:23:33 :     <INFO>    [main.gui] - Showing Report window  

Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

I am still unable to get updates with 6.047 and XP SP3. The problem continues for me since 6.045

Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

 Same stuation here as above with AdwCleaner 6.47 and XPsp3. database update from server fails.

2017-07-11 21:54:48 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Saving current options to the configuration file
2017-07-11 21:54:49 : 	<INFO>	[main.gui] - Scan requested
2017-07-11 21:54:49 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner
2017-07-11 21:54:49 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 0%
2017-07-11 21:54:49 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Checking for database updates
2017-07-11 21:54:49 : 	<INFO>	[main.network] - Requesting the latest database release number
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<ERROR>	[main.network] - Failure when requesting the latest database release number (13)
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[main.network] - Updating definitions
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<ERROR>	[main.network] - Failure when requesting the latest database (1 - 13)
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<ERROR>	[database] - Database update failed: Null | 0
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 5%
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Initialize the database
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Loading sqlite3.dll
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Opening the database
2017-07-11 21:54:50 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Querying database's version
2017-07-11 21:54:51 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Loading internal data
2017-07-11 21:54:51 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Loading detections
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Loading generics
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Closing the database
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Closing database
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Unloading sqlite3.dll
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 15%
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [1]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [2]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [3]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [4]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [5]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [6]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [7]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [8]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [9]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [10]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [11]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [12]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [13]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [14]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [15]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [16]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [17]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [18]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [19]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [20]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [21]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [22]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [23]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [24]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [25]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [26]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [27]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [28]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [29]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [30]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [31]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [32]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [33]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [34]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [35]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [36]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [37]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [38]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [39]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [40]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [41]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [42]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [43]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [44]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generating generic detections [45]
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Generic detections generated
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 20%
2017-07-11 21:54:59 : 	<INFO>	[scan.generic] - Starting generic analysis
2017-07-11 21:55:46 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 30%
2017-07-11 21:55:46 : 	<INFO>	[scan.services] - Starting services scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:55:46 : 	<INFO>	[scan.services] - Stopping services scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:55:46 : 	<INFO>	[scan.services] - Starting services scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:55:47 : 	<INFO>	[scan.services] - Stopping services scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:55:47 : 	<WARN>	[scan.services] - 0 malicious services found
2017-07-11 21:55:47 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 40%
2017-07-11 21:55:47 : 	<INFO>	[scan.folders] - Starting folders scan
2017-07-11 21:56:03 : 	<INFO>	[scan.folders] - Stopping folders scan
2017-07-11 21:56:03 : 	<WARN>	[scan.folders] - 0 malicious folders found
2017-07-11 21:56:03 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 50%
2017-07-11 21:56:03 : 	<INFO>	[scan.files] - Starting files scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.files] - Stopping files scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<WARN>	[scan.files] - 0 malicious files found
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 55%
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.dll] - Starting DLL scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.dll] - Stopping DLL scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<WARN>	[scan.dll] - 0 malicious DLL found
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 60%
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.wmi] - Starting WMI scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.wmi] - Stopping WMI scan
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<WARN>	[scan.wmi] - 0 malicious WMI found
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 65%
2017-07-11 21:56:08 : 	<INFO>	[scan.shortcuts] - Starting shortcuts scan
2017-07-11 21:56:09 : 	<INFO>	[scan.shortcuts] - Stopping shortcuts scan
2017-07-11 21:56:09 : 	<WARN>	[scan.shortcuts] - 0 malicious shortcuts found
2017-07-11 21:56:09 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 70%
2017-07-11 21:56:09 : 	<INFO>	[scan.tasks] - Starting tasks scan
2017-07-11 21:56:10 : 	<INFO>	[scan.tasks] - Stopping tasks scan
2017-07-11 21:56:10 : 	<WARN>	[scan.tasks] - 0 malicious tasks found
2017-07-11 21:56:10 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 75%
2017-07-11 21:56:10 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:56:11 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:56:11 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:56:22 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:56:22 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [3]
2017-07-11 21:56:28 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [3]
2017-07-11 21:56:28 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 80%
2017-07-11 21:56:28 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [4]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [4]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [5]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [5]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 82%
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [6]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [6]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [7]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [7]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [8]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [8]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 84%
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [9]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [9]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [10]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [10]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [11]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [11]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [12]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [12]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [13]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [13]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [14]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [14]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [15]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [15]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [16]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [16]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [17]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [17]
2017-07-11 21:56:29 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [18]
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [18]
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 86%
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Starting registry scan [19]
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - Stopping registry scan [19]
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 88%
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan.registry] - 0 malicious registry element found
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 90%
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Firefox is installed: True
2017-07-11 21:56:30 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Starting Firefox based browsers scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:56:48 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Stopping Firefox based browsers scan [1]
2017-07-11 21:56:48 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Starting Firefox based browsers scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Stopping Firefox based browsers scan [2]
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 92%
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Starting Firefox based browsers scan [3]
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<WARN>	[scan.firefox] - No profile to scan, skipping
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<WARN>	[scan.firefox] - No profile to scan, skipping
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<WARN>	[scan.firefox] - No profile to scan, skipping
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<WARN>	[scan.firefox] - No profile to scan, skipping
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 94%
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan.firefox] - Stopping Firefox based browsers scan [3]
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<WARN>	[scan.firefox] - 0 malicious Firefox preferences found
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 95%
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Chrome is installed: False
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Chrome Canary is installed: False
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Chromium is installed: False
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Dragon is installed: False
2017-07-11 21:56:50 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Opera is installed: False
2017-07-11 21:56:51 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 100%
2017-07-11 21:56:51 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Stopping scan
2017-07-11 21:56:51 : 	<ERROR>	[main.com] - COM Error: 80020009 - Exception occurred.
2017-07-11 21:56:51 : 	<ERROR>	[main.stats] - Error while sending stats
2017-07-11 21:56:52 : 	<ERROR>	[main.com] - COM Error: 80020009 - Exception occurred.
2017-07-11 21:56:52 : 	<ERROR>	[main.stats] - Error while sending stats (2)
2017-07-11 21:56:58 : 	<INFO>	[main.gui] - Showing Options window
2017-07-11 21:57:01 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Restoring default options

Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

HillBilly I have been trying to get this problem fixed for months. 1 attempt to fix it failed a couple of months ago and I provided my log from 6.046 and have not heard anything since then.

As the program is written now there is no way of knowing there is a problem unless it is run in debug mode and the debug log is checked.

Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

rufus, I agree will all that you say. many users are probably unaware that the defs are NOT being updated.

I had hoped that someone could have looked at my debug log and said if the problem would be fixed or support for XP was being dropped. Will the new version support XP?


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3


The support for Windows XP has been dropped, following Microsoft decision to deprecate Windows Vista last April.

I encourage you to use MB3 (including the free version) which is still working on Windows XP.

Best regards,

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