Does Adwcleaner detect/remove the Malware installed by CCleaner 5.33? Please advise, thanks!
This is out of the scope of AdwCleaner. I invite you to use Malwarebytes 3 for this issue:
Here are some more informations about CCleaner 5.33:
Feel free to ask if you need more details/help.
Thanks für your reply!
MalwareBytes 3.0 is as far as it seems to me free software too?
If I install Malwarebytes 3.0 in order to scan my PC ... will there be any conflict with McAffee LifeSave?
I assume not because I already have McAffee LifeSave and AdwCleaner in parallel on my PC since years ...
Please advise ... thanks again in advance!
Any word?
Sorry for the late answer - busy days..
Malwarebytes comes with a free trial period (14 days). Here are some more details about the trial period:
There shouldn't be any conflict with McAffe LifeSave.
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