File properties and info show version, same as previous release, but the file when run shows 7.2.0 in the title bar, same as indicated on the ToolsLib download page. FYI.


Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?


Thanks for the feedback. We'll fix this (probably with the next version).

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Hi, congratulations for this new 7.2.0. Impressive. (It works well on my old Vista too, despite the minimum system requirements: Great!!!). There is not an option - as in the past - to verify the latest build without reaching the official website? while the defs are automatically downloaded, ok. If you can add an option for deleting old logs files, without manually reaching the specific folder. Regarding the many new options I leaved all the default values. Congratulations again. Bravo! Best Regards,

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Remove botton. 1) pc1: no messages from Comodo > Remove botton works well; 2) pc2: messages from Comodo, I click on Allow as Safe application > Remove botton doesnt work, nothing happens.

Problem fully resolved by doing: Comodo > Applications> right click > "Unlock %temp% folder: uninstall.bat". ok!

PS: Comodo deleted your adwcleaner.exe when trying to copy it into a pendrive marking it as Malware! I had to add it into winrar and ok.

PS2: If you can add an option for deleting old log files (right click on item?), without manually reaching the specific folder.

PS3: I just give "10" in your question window at the end of adwcleaner installation.

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