Hi, what to do to get the "Remove" botton working? have I to delete manually the files before upgrading? thanks. PS: issue arised in
Where is AdwCleaner located when you try to "uninstall" it? Is it inside the Downloads folder?
Hi, no, it is located in E:\ , I never had it in Download folder. Yes, I downloaded from toolslib site, the app work well; only since the "remove" botton has no effects. I can update it by simply manually deleting it, but this remove botton shows that there is a problem. Its is strange. PS. only in this moment I received the notification email of your replies.
Can you try again, but this time launching AdwCleaner through the Downloads folder?
Note that even if AdwCleaner itself (the executable) is still present, the AdwCleaner folder (located at C:\AdwCleaner) should be removed when you click Uninstall.
About the notification by email, we've had some issues recently but it's now fixed.
Hi, thanks. Unfortunately this option is still not working, even launching it from Downloads folder :( https://postimg.cc/3dqxcpV2
Any idea? thanks.
Sorry for my late reply.
Are you running AdwCleaner on Windows Vista?
ops, now I see that Vista is not officially supported. This may be the cause of the issue.
Yes, sorry for the late answer.
This might be it. We've seen some issues with the Remove button on Vista.
About Vista, you should read this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/22882/windows-vista-end-of-support
Hi, I confirm: even the 7.3 build wont unistall via Remove bottom. So before updating to a newer build I remove manually the executable and the C:\ folder (with logs...). I hope that this is the right manner. thanks.
If the remove button isn't working, then it's the right manner yes. AdwCleaner is still portable even if it creates some files inside C:\AdwCleaner.
Keep in mind tho that the folder can contain Quarantined files that you won't be able to retrieve after removal. So I would still recommend keeping the C:\AdwCleaner folder.
Hi, just an update: remove botton works now fine! very good. Addendum: while 7.4.2 runs fine in older OS like Vista, the just released 8.0.0. does not run: double click > nothing happens. Perhaps you already know this (I guess wanted) behaviour. thanks.
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