The ADW Downloads page currently offers three downloads:

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Release

AdwCleaner    7.4.1    Beta

AdwCleaner    7.4       Release

I had previously downloaded the Beta when only the second and third lines were there (it seemed to work well),   When the top line appeared this morning, I assumed from the filename that the Release was the same file, but I wondered about it, and eventually I downloaded it.  Checking the exact file size and the SHA-256 code showed that the files were actually different. 

What a nuisance!  Could you possibly add 'Beta' to the filenames of your beta versions so that confusions over filenames doesn't occur again.

 . . . and thank you very much for continuing to provide this useful and unique software free to the community.

Another twist to the same problem

Here is another twist to the same problem.  

On 2019-11-22 I downloaded the beta V8.0.0 of AdwCleaner from  It worked fine..

On 2019-11-22 I visited the website again and saw what looked like the same the same beta.  Except I just happened to notice the note saying 'about 9 hours ago', and happened to remember that I had downloaded the previous beta two days ago.  

The files have different sizes and different SHA 256 signatures, so it is a new beta.  But the filenames are identical.

Do I need to remark that with beta versions, this sort of confusion could be quite serious, because an earlier beta could have some fatal problem --- I am trusting ADW to delete files from my system.

 - - - - - - - -

I'll add again that ADW is marvellous, and thank you for continuing to offer it free..


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