
Could you blacklist them? Password for the archive is "infected".

Also, please add this registry key created by some download managers, if not already detected:



Re: Missed remnants

I have updated the translation again to correct some mistakes in the quarantine. I would appreciate if you could update it. It's available here.

Also, please note that it doesn't include the new string "Use local database" introduced in one of the last builds. Please make sure that it still remains translated once the translation is updated. The current translation "Użyj lokalnej bazy danych" is correct, but if it's supposed to mean "Use only local database", I would rather go for "Użyj tylko lokalnej bazy danych" as "Użyj lokalnej bazy danych" might imply usage of another database aside of the non-local one.

Re: Missed remnants

I'm really starting to think that I'm ignored on purpose...

If you're busy with something, then please just let me know. You could add the word "only" in one string, but you weren't able to update the whole translation? What's the problem?

Re: Missed remnants


First of all, sorry if we are not quick enough but it's due to 3 things :

1) I'm alone to develop and maintain AdwCleaner

2) I prioritize bug fixes over translations update

3) The way you told me to update the translation means that I will need to rewrite every translations according to this new model, and it will take a lot of time to contact every other translation and ask them to correct it.

I added the registry key to the database but I can't add the other elements since I need more precisions about their exact path.

Re: Missed remnants

I'm sorry if I was annoying, but you could have told me this before instead of ignoring me. So you need to add the strings one by one? Why does it work that way? Maybe I could send you them in some other format?

About the submitted files: what do you mean? I don't understand how the path can be more precise than it is now.

Re: Missed remnants

This file includes only the updated strings. I hope that will make your work easier.

(Please don't use the text viewer on that hosting site as it doesn't display some characters properly, download the file instead and open it in any text editor)

Re: Missed remnants


Unfortunately I'm not able to view the file with the correct encoding. I tried different text editors and I always have "³" and "¿" in place of some characters. Can you try a different encoding ?


Re: Missed remnants

Sorry, it was ANSI. Please try UTF8 here.

Also, I think you missed one of my messages. What details should I provide about the shortcut path?

Re: Missed remnants


Thanks. I will update the translation for v5.037.

Regarding the file you sent me in your previous post, I didn't know that you put the instructions inside "ffff.txt" file , you should have called it "readme.txt" ;-)

I will review this file and add the elements as soon as possible. Some elements ( like the firefox extension ) should be already detected since v5.036.


Re: Missed remnants

More changes:

$L_GENSEARCH = "Searching for generic elements ..." Please change the current translation to this for now:$L_GENSEARCH = "Trwa wyszukiwanie typowych obiektów..." BTW, what does that exactly mean? Maybe I would be able to find a better translation.

$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono" I assume this is used only once scan completes. To make it more clear, I would change it to:$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono skanowanie."

$L_INFORMATION = "Informacja"

Change it to:

$L_INFORMATION = "Komunikat"

(If you are wondering: komunikat just means something like 'alert' or 'message' in this context and it seems to fit better than 'information')

BTW, in English you shouldn't put spaces before punctuation marks (that lets anybody know that you're French, no other language has such crazy rules). Could you change it as well?

Some suggestions:

1. Don't let the user run cleaning when there are no threats detected.

2. Rename "Cleaning" to "Clean" and "Uninstall" to "Uninstall AdwCleaner".

3. Clicking Cancel in this alert shouldn't close the program fully:

--------------------------- - AdwCleaner - Closing programs - ---------------------------

All programs will be closed in order to proceed correctly to the removal of the infections. Please save any work in progress and then click [OK]


OK   Cancel   


Re: Missed remnants

"Searching for generic detections" means that AdwCleaner will search for folders / registry elements that matches a specific pattern or have a specific behavior.

All strings will be updated for v5.037.

1. I let the choice to run clean even if no threats are detected because the user can still want to run specific options that can be checked in "Option" menu

2. Fixed for v5.037

3. Same


Re: Missed remnants

I tried the test version you posted in another topic and I see it includes in the updated translation. Thanks again!

But was there any particular of keeping "Uninstall" intact? I think it would be better if it says "Uninstall AdwCleaner" because some people may think this button uninstalls adware. Are there are any text length issues? No way to display the "Uninstall" and "AdwCleaner" words in separate lines?

Also, minor corrections:

$M_REBOOT = "Aby zakończyć proces usuwania, należy uruchomić ponownie komputer. Raport zostanie otworzony po restarcie."

$L_REBOOT = "Wymagane jest ponowne uruchomienie"

Re: Missed remnants


I think it's better to keep "Uninstall" since the button is inside AdwCleaner's GUI. It's not like in the add/remove programs where it will be relevant to have "Uninstall AdwCleaner" 

Your corrections will be added in v5.037.


Re: Missed remnants

I get your point, but I've seen some users think that the "Uninstall" button uninstalls the detected adware.


These ones:

$L_LOCAL = "Lokalny"

$L_SERVER = "serwer"

Should be:

$L_LOCAL = "lokalna"

$L_SERVER = "z serwera"


Re: Missed remnants

If they think "Uninstall" button uninstalls the detected adware, it's that :

1) The helper didn't give clear instructions

2) They didn't read the documentation

Translation will be updated in v5.037.


Re: Missed remnants

Many people use AdwCleaner on their own too, but ok, this is your decision.


Please also remove the space before colons in the logfiles if possible.  

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