
Why does AdwCleaner detect this?



Re: Possible FP

The "Disinfected" string is used only when referring to shortcuts, right? Then please change it to "został wyleczony".

The current translation is "wyleczono", it sounds a bit weird because we usually say "Wyleczono skrót", not "Skrót wyleczono", but there seems to be no way to reverse the word order. So, when it's possible, I'm trying to use another form of the verb, like "wyleczono" - "został wyleczony". It's means the same thing but it's used in the English-like order: "Skrót został przywrócony". The problem is that the "został" form is not genderless and can't be used when the action refers to detections of other genders, so I can't replace it everywhere.

Re: Possible FP


Can you provide the whole logfile showing the false positives ?

Thanks a lot for the translation fixes !

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