Just like it says, after I updated to 5.105, I can no longer scan. After pressing scan I get an error popup with the message, "AdwCleaner's database cannot be loaded." I have tried re-downloading the .exe, restarting my computer and turning firewall completely off. But I get this error every time.

Win 7 Pro SP1 x64

Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"


Can you run AdwCleaner in debug mode? Click on "Options" then "Activate debug mode".

Run the scan. Even if it shows this error message, you should have a file called "Debug_XXXXX.log" under C:\

Please post its content in your next reply ( inside "code" tags )


Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"

Ran with debug mode, no file created. I think this is due to my computer being part of a Windows domain, and I am a domain, not local, user. I will try using a local account.

Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"

The program does work as a local user, no problems with database. However, under previous versions, adwcleaner *did work* as a domain user. Any chance of a fix? Also, any ideas how to get a debug file as a domain user login?

Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"


In fact, I moved AdwCleaner's folder to C:\Program Files in v5.100 but it was not convenient for users so I moved back to C:\.

For now, I don't think I can find a way to make it work as a domain user, but I'll keep that on my ToDo list for v6.000.


Re: adwcleaner 5.108 "database cannot be loaded"

I've been getting this issue with several versions of ADWcleaner for a couple of weeks on multiple machines at multiple sites. We haven't been able to run ADWCleaner at all. I have tried running as Administrator. I have also tried using the local database with no luck. I've even tried creating a debug file but no file gets created. I have also tried running from multiple locations. Anyone got any ideas?



Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"


Can you uninstall AdwCleaner (launch it -> Uninstall), and then re-download it from here : https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/


Re: adwcleaner 5.105 "database cannot be loaded"

Assuming a Windows 7 (or newer) OS, try running AWDCleaner as a different user by following these steps:

- From your domain user account, download 'adwcleaner_5.108.exe', and save it to the root of the C: drive

- While holding [Shift], right-click on that executable file and select ‘Run as a different user’

- Enter your local administrator credentials


     [local admin password]

This worked for me.  It's a bit convoluted, but it alleviates the need to log off the domain user account and login as local admin just to run an ADWCleaner scan.

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