

After installing Adwcleaner 5.108 After I click scan then I get this error: 

Can not find access point of procedure EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding in DLL file

C:\Users\Hennie\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlit3.ddl. When I click on OK I get:

SQLite3.dll cannot be loaded.

The file is in this map. And is 736 KB. 

Adwcleaner is not working.

Greetings Hennie 

Re: sqlite3.dll


Can you launch AdwCleaner, click on "Uninstall". Then, manually delete "C:\Users\Hennie\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite3.dll"

Then, re-try with the v5.109 :

It should be better.

Best regards,

Re: sqlite3.dll

Thank you, problem solved.

Re: sqlite3.dll

Man, thank you very much. Issue resolved completely. May you get Megan Fox as your future wife someday :D :D 

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