

I am using adwcleaner for years now and I am very happy with it. I use it to clean computers on remote using logmeIn Rescue. But after the update in August I can;t connect anymore after a reboot of the computer. By testing it on another computer I saw that after the first reboot logmein won't start up but after a second reboot it comes back and I have full control again. So it seems thats deleting the threads and the first reboot a cleanboot is used which disabblect the logmein program. Can you fix this in the next upgrade please?


Thanks in advance,



Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein


Can you share me the whole clean logfile ? (usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxxx].txt )

Best regards,

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein

There are two files. First the one of 8.52 AM

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logbestand aangemaakt 06/09/2016 op 08:52:48 # *Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Gebruik lokale database : 2016-08-24.2 [Lokaal] # Besturingssysteem : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Gebruikersnaam : Test - W10-HAH-TEST-PC # Gestart vanuit : C:\Users\Test\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe # *Mode: Scan # Ondersteuning : https://toolslib.net/forum


***** [ *Services ] *****

*No malicious services found.

***** [ Mappen ] *****

*No malicious folders found.

***** [ Bestanden ] *****

*No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

*No malicious DLLs found.

***** [ WMI ] *****

*No malicious keys found.

***** [ Snelkoppelingen ] *****

Zoeken naar bestanden ...

***** [ Geplande taken ] *****

*No malicious task found.

***** [ Register ] *****

gevonden HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.Protector gevonden HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.Protector.1 gevonden HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.ProtectorLib gevonden HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.ProtectorLib.1

***** [ Internetbrowsers ] *****

Zoeken naar register-items ... Zoeken naar register-items ...


C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [1193 bytes] - [06/09/2016 08:52:48]

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [1266 bytes] ##########

This is the one of 9.00 AM

# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Logbestand aangemaakt 06/09/2016 op 09:00:00 # *Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib # Gebruik lokale database : 2016-08-24.2 [Lokaal] # Besturingssysteem : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Gebruikersnaam : Test - W10-HAH-TEST-PC # Gestart vanuit : C:\Users\Test\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe # Verwijderen # Ondersteuning : https://toolslib.net/forum


***** [ *Services ] *****


***** [ Mappen ] *****


***** [ Bestanden ] *****


***** [ DLL ] *****


***** [ WMI ] *****


***** [ Snelkoppelingen ] *****


***** [ Geplande taken ] *****


***** [ Register ] *****

[-] hersteldHKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.Protector [-] hersteldHKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.Protector.1 [-] hersteldHKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.ProtectorLib [-] hersteldHKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\protector_dll.ProtectorLib.1

***** [ Internetbrowsers ] *****



:: "Tracing" sleutels verwijderd :: Winsock instellingen gereset


C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C0].txt - [1044 bytes] - [06/09/2016 09:00:00] C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [1345 bytes] - [06/09/2016 08:52:48]

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C0].txt - [1190 bytes] ##########


With kind regards


Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein


Can you share the debug logfile too ? (Launch AdwCleaner -> Tools -> Options. Tick "Debug" in mode section. Then, do a scan and a clean, and share me the file C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.)

Best regards,

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein

I don't know what happened but I used it on 7 different computers today and everything worked fine. So it looks like te problem is gone. The topic can be closed. However, if i have the same problem again I will let you know. Thank for your help.

Re: After upgrade august problems with Logmein


Ok. I've made some related changes :)

Indeed, if you still face the issue, please ask.

Best regards,

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