I realized that I was being stolen and internet packages that playing league of legends was fatal ping me , so I decided to find out why. I use many established netstat and out , but it breaks my thinking and looking for every (1) , not if you have a program that just put the factory you need w7 and ready . It would be helpful thanks .

I try to reset all the TCP

Re: Enter Netstat Stolen Internet Packages


Sorry, I didn't understand your issue. Can you clarify it ?

Best regards,

Re: Enter Netstat Stolen Internet Packages

I realized that certain companies were spying on me and stole internet packages ,

luckily yesterday I could fix it. had modified the registry for these spies .

solve it with adwcleaner , find and repair the registry.

I use google translator sorry for my English. thanks for this page. :D

Re: Enter Netstat Stolen Internet Packages

So, your issue is fixed ?

Best regards,

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