I found that copy&and paste is not possible (in other programs like firefox or editor...), during AdwCleaner 6 Protocol-Manager is open. Please can you fix it. Often we need the log from users for analyse, and they can not poste it. This is very ugly.


You can see this behavior on http://mozhelp.dynvpn.de/dateien/temp/AdwCleaner6-CopyAndPasteProblem.gif or http://mozhelp.dynvpn.de/dateien/temp/AdwCleaner6-CopyAndPasteProblem-protocol-manager.gif


Re: copy&paste not possible during AdwCleaner 6 protocol-manager is open


First of all, thanks for your feedback!

We're aware of that problem. We'll release a fix as soon as possible. :)


Re: copy&paste not possible during AdwCleaner 6 protocol-manager is open


Yes, there is an issue with the Log Manager. Sorry about that, we're still working on it.

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