Since adwcleaner has been updated to 4.0+, I've been having trouble with getting disconnect via Log Me in Rescue in SMWN.
It scans and completes ok, but disconnects when the dialog box regarding "If you have been brought to use adwcleaner.....".
It doesn't happen on every PC, but more of them then not (75%) and it's really causing hiccups in my support. Can this be looked into.
Furthermore, are there any command line switches available for adwcleaner. I'd like to be able to launch it, have it scan, and reboot with no user interaction whatsover.
Let me know on either issue. Thanks!
No One
yo75 s'il vous plait, un peu plus de retenu, Xplode fait de son mieux.
//////// v4.001 - 20/10/14 //////// FR
- Prise en charge des emplacements du registre suivants :
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extension Compatibility
- Mise à jour des filtres de détection générique
- Ajout d'une détection générique des clés Tracing
//////// v4.001 - 20/10/14 //////// ENG
- Added registry keys to search :
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extension Compatibility
- Updated generic detections
- Added generic detection for "tracing" keys
//////// v4.000 - 12/10/14 //////// FR
- Mise à jour vers AutoIT v3.3.0.12
- Nouvelle méthode de gestion de la base de données
//////// v4.000 - 12/10/14 //////// EN
- Updated to AutoIT v3.3.0.12
- New method to manage database
I have had a virus several times in the past month. AdwCleaner seems to fix it, but then it comes back a week or two later. Today it mutated worse than ever. It deleted all the old versions of AdwCleaner off my hard drive. When I came here to download the latest version, IE would not load the page, it just said Waiting, forever. Opera acted like it downloaded, but nothing happened. I clicked Didn't Work? Click Here, and the same thing would happen, countdown from five, and then nothing. This is a pretty smart virus to delete the old copies and not let you download the new one. Do you know about this virus? What must I do to keep it from coming back again?
i too can conferm that Symantec is treating the lasted verson and modafication of adw as a Trojan Gen/Trojan Horse please veiw and remodavie your progame i enjoyed it ever snice i found it on bleepingcompture and there a great place and site to use so for the bettership of the internert please get on this ASAP.bye
Jinx that - now when i download your updated version my Norton says your product is dangerous with a Trojan and will not let me download it. Sooooooooo,......what's up Doc?????
Merci beaucoup...uniquement la chose que m'a sauve! Vista (service pack 2.) great...more and more us Brits are having to look to France for opensource software that actually does what we need it to do. Thankyou again and keep me posted me when you have any more gismos that can sniff out the bad boys on my poor little machine.
On a Windows7 SP1 machine running 3.307, AdwCleaner crashes and I get the error:
Line 3281(File: "...filepath and name"):
Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range was exceed.
I have downloaded multipe times and rebooted multiple times. Nothing I try works. Thanks!
//////// v3.305 - 13/08/14 //////// FR
- Mise à jour de la base de données
- Correction dans le filtre de détection des tâches planifiées Crossrider
- Détection générique AdPeak mise à jour
- Détection générique DownloadProtect mise à jour
- Détection générique Skintrim mise à jour
- Détection générique Tuto4PC mise à jour
- Détection générique Multiplug mise à jour
- Suppression d'un message de déboguage oublié
- Mise à jour de la détection des extensions Firefox
- Mise à jour de la détection des extensions Chrome
- Fichier de langues mis à jour
- Ajout de la détection générique AddLyrics
//////// v3.305 - 13/08/14 //////// ENG
- Database update
- Fixed Crossrider scheduled task detection
- Generic.AdPeak detection updated
- Generic.DownloadProtect detection updated
- Generic.Skintrim detection updated
- Generic.Tuto4PC detection updated
- Generic.Multiplug detection updated
- Deleted debug message
- Updated Firefox extensions detection
- Updated Chrome extensions detection
- Language file updated
- Added Generic.AddLyrics detection
Does not detect pricechopper which is a Google Extension that I never added and keeps re-installing after deleted. Would appreciate a fix to detect from Browser. Thank you.