Re: Suddenly AdwCleaner can't remove three services identified as threats

Man, in the recent update I think AdwCleaner kinda screw himself over, since I got the same error (but with 2 services) and I saw in your screenshots that the services aren't malware or anything, they are network drivers, network interface, ethernet, those are network drivers stuff, without those you probably won't be able to connect to the internet. Your pc is safe, but AdwCleaner must be fixed.

{5C566F31-AEFD-44F4-80B6-734826A4E709} What is this service?

Hey guys. So after i let adwcleaner run it found 1 Service which can't be removed? Can you help me with what it is and how to remove it? 

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 19/08/2016 at 15:22:30
# Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-08-19.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Username : Wolkid - WOLKID-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Wolkid...

ADWC killing TeamViewer


As a business we use TeamViewerto remotely access customers machine to help with various issues.

Today we have found that ADWC is now highlighting that TeamViewer is a threat in the "Services" tab and if not un-ticked will kill/end any remote session once a clean and a restart done.

Is there anything you can do to stop this?

In early version ( not kill/end

ADWC killing LogMeIn

on AdwCleaner by tst


As a business we use LogMeIn (LMI) to remotely access customers machine to help with various issues.

Today we have found that ADWC is now highlighting that LMI is a threat in the "Services" tab and if not un-ticked will kill/end any remote session once a clean and a restart done.

Is there anything you can do to stop this?

Re: faux_positifs ?

Same problem, in my case adw 6.0 reports 18  win7  services as threats, "faux possitifs??" , but  after adw clean and restart win7, the 18 threat services are not deleted...repeated the scan -clean and restart several times with the same results.

Pitty to say this is the first time this nice and excellent adw  program i´m using since its first versions behaves this way.

Just for youtr indo: M...

Re: faux_positifs ?

on AdwCleaner by ****


Hier, j'avais fait un scan avec la même version du logiciel (la dernière donc), et ADWCleaner ne me trouvait rien.

Et aujourd'hui, comme vous, j'ai huit menaces détectés dans les services. Et comme vous, lorsque je lance le nettoyage, ça ne les supprime.


Le fait que l'on soit plusieurs à avoir le problème en même temps, laisse à penser que c'est un faux positif.

Nettoyage incomplet AdwCleaner


hier soir Avira m'a signalé le blocage d'une menace Candy... après que j'ai tenté de télécharger un logiciel permettant de récupérer une vidéo via Veoh.

La menace a été mise en quarantaine.

Suite à cette menace j'ai décidé de vérifier mon PC avec AdwCleaner. Il a trouvé 3 menaces à l'analyse. Au nettoyage, il en a supprimé une sur trois.

Je l'ai repassé à nouveau au scan et au netto...

Re: faux_positifs ?


J'ai exactement le même problème

adwcleaner trouve neuf infections dans les services mais ne las supprime pas.


Re: Can't remove these

I ran into the same problem.  Below is a snippet of the cleaning log.

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 19/08/2016 at 05:21:30
# Updated on 12/08/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-08-19.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 8.1 Connected  (X86)
# Username : Al - SARAH
# Running from : C:\Users\Al\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.000.exe
# Mode: Clean
# Support :

***** [...

faux_positifs ?


ce matin AdwCleaner v6.000 a trouvé 5 menaces dans les Services

***** [ Services ] ***** Service trouvé: {348A9DE0-9B40-48B6-802F-A8D3FB99F020} Service trouvé: {4A6BA159-B2B9-4019-BA17-923E5CECC857} Service trouvé: {84D512D5-6389-4EA4-9D5C-40AD13D93024} Service trouvé: {96E641CD-1A0B-4F5C-A794-495BC8D50861} Service trouvé: {D64ECC9D-3039-4DBA-8449-117354BBF31C}

j'ai lancé le nettoya...