
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 march 2016)

I've run this software on even very heavily infected systems and its amazing how quickly and effective AdwCleaner removes even the worst adware. Even adware that could not be removed with other software got cleaned by this.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (29 february 2016)

Great program. Doesn't install add-on programs. I don't know what's wrong with those who are ripping on this program! Repeat: It's a great program!


on AdwCleaner's page

from W0Wka, (24 february 2016)

Мне нравится очень программа, не плохо добавить 2а момента:
1. Чтобы предлагала обновить программу не заходя на сайт.
2. Чтобы еще проверяла файлик в Виндовс hosts


on AdwCleaner's page

from Edelweiss, (22 february 2016)


La dernière version 5.036 bug comme la 34 & 35...Impossible de finir le scanne!!!

Pour le moment je dois continuer à utiliser la version 5.033.

Merci de donner une réponse, si non je ne vois pas l'intérêt de continuer à donner des informations de problèmes si il n'y a pas de retour.

Bonne fin de journée


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (22 february 2016)

Il y a un probleme au niveaux de l information du pop up en fin de scan , en effet ce pop up indique toujours que le PC n' est " pas infecté"...alors que en faite lorseque on clique sur nettoyer on trouve plein d adwaeres.
Don merci de bien vouloir rectifié ce probleme.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (20 february 2016)

Still an issue with the above mentioned page is not resolved, I try 10 times adware scan and it is still there!!!
Why adware not removing this from my chrome and internet Explorer browser????
Because it holds my browser whenever I start my browser it comes with a search page. Please add this page in your system and remove it as soon as possible so we get peace of mind. Thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from YuriNathan, (14 february 2016)

Melhor programa


on AdwCleaner's page

from iaricp, (11 february 2016)

That program cant delete megabrowse =(((
and cant delete ad-programs that was deletet manualy, but not from panel
hope u fix it soon! =*


on AdwCleaner's page

from nomasvirus, (10 february 2016)

El mejor programa que existe para acabar con basura en los navegadores. Recomendado a todos los usuarios. Enhorabuena a los desarrolladores y programadores. Nomasvirus.


on LoadTool's page

from 91300, (06 february 2016)

Sur la nouvelle version d'ailleurs, vous ne devriez plus avoir trop de détéction antivirus normalement
Seul Mc Afee, Clam Av et Qihoo-360 gardent leurs détections...

Rapport Virus total de la nouvelle version :