
on AdwCleaner's page

from Beatrice92, (27 november 2016)

this works WONDER!!!! thank you sooo much!! it totally worth downloading!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from sfstech, (23 november 2016)

Is there an option to whitelist some processes or read a text file for processes not to kill? I really wish AdwCleaner wouldn't kill my VNC connection (winvnc.exe or really a *vnc.exe wildcard entry)


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (19 november 2016)

Est-ce normale que cette application sorte comme une menace ?


on Megabasterd's page

from darkdragon, (06 november 2016)

El programa va genial, los que tenemos mac ya no tendremos que ir abriendo maquinas virtuales para poder descargar los enlaces ELC , gracias !!!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Rafael Vril, (28 october 2016)

Sooo Amazing program!!! I lost my dreams in my pc (Win8.1 Pro -- 64x) I had lost all connection to Internet, since I install a program from a dubious site, this destroyed me all forms of internet connection, I was already thinking of reformatting your pc, when I remembered that one day had gone down version adwcleaner 6010 and thought... why not?, and woooooooooow !!! 445 found strange things in my pc, and more a thing called iSafeKrnlboot, the kidnapping my entire PC. Now I m here, giving testimony for SUPER AMAZING PROGRAM ADWCLEANER


on AdwCleaner's page

from jrnmathewt, (15 october 2016)

I made an account just to say THANK YOU. I've been trying a lot of software and methods to get rid of the pop up ads which keeps appearing in my google chrome.Nothing seemed to work ,until I tried adwcleaner. Thanks a ton to the developers of this app.Keep the the excellent work.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Jin_N_Juice, (02 october 2016)

Love the site, helped me clean a customers computer using this program, malwarebytes, RstHosts, AdsFix, Rkill. Keep doing what your doing :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from Komeni, (01 october 2016)

@cocochepeau You are right, I tried the process again and it did ask me. I don't recall getting this warning message the first time though, or maybe i just ignored it, which would be my fault. Thanks for getting in touch.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Komeni, (30 september 2016)

I am so mad right now. I was working on a couple of documents while running adwcleaner scan. Toolslib developers, is it so hard to ask the user what is about to happen and await confirmation before closing all apps WITHOUT giving a chance for the user to save?! Not to mention the automatic reboot! Can't beleive this


on AdwCleaner's page

from Prithelp, (22 september 2016)

Not getting a response from you about "clean files" hang-up issue previously mentioned.
Note that unchecking "clean files" allow the subsequent cleanup processes to work - but it is unrealistic to do this every time the programme is used as the file "threats" simply remain in place.
ADWCleaner seems a neat utility, but it has to be fully functional to be retained.