PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello ive started using some online sites for studys the last days - file some stuff and get money/points etc BUT everytime i do a survey on "https://www.meinungsstudie.de/" it loads the sites on a url named "surveymyopinion" So if i run adwcleaner (current version) after doing that i get 4-8 PUP'S which all have entries verifying it is from "surveymyopinion" in some folders. Now the question: ...

Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

Via the battlenet application of course. There is litrally no way this is an actual threat or PUP im rather reporting this as a false positive and want a confirmation for that so it can get fixed :) Blizzard itself gives you access to this alpha/beta and opens the download for you,so i highly doubt theres anything even close to a threat.


Edit: the version before the 12th of april did not do...

Re: Adware sur Adwcleaner

Pour commencer, bonjour à toi aussi...

Bien évidemment AdwCleaner n'installe pas Search Manager. Tu as peut-être téléchargé AdwCleaner sur un site douteux ou bien peut-être que l'extension Search Manager était déjà présente dans les configurations de ton Google Chrome, AdwCleaner en a trouvé une trace, a essayé de la supprimer mais n'y est pas arrivé et Google Chrome a réinstallé / réactivé l'...

Adware sur Adwcleaner

La dernière version d' adwcleaner ( search manager. BRAVO pour un anti-Adware!!! Barvo à Malwarebyte (cela risque de faire couler de l'encre....)

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

on AdwCleaner by daz

bonjour, j'ai eu le meme probleme et j'ai utilisé webroot de bug que vous trouverez ici meme sur toolslib puis reeutilise adwcleaner .... ca a marche avec moi..bonne chance.

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello Fleks,

I see you have a PUP issue(s).  Did you delete the PUP's with Adware Cleaner after you ran the scan?  I don't know where you are located but did you know this study website is in Germany?

PUA. (Potentially Unwanted Application) or PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program)  These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-us, redirect your browser home page, and other behavior that...

PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello ive started using some online sites for studys the last days - file some stuff and get money/points etc BUT everytime i do a survey on "https://www.meinungsstudie.de/" it loads the sites on a url named "surveymyopinion" So if i run adwcleaner (current version) after doing that i get 4-8 PUP'S which all have entries verifying it is from "surveymyopinion" in some folders. Now the question: ...