
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (14 july 2014) dernière version de adwcleaner a effacé mon logiciel Driver Booster. J'ai dû le réinstaller. SVP, corriger ce bug


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (14 july 2014)

Tambem não achei Hosts Anti-PUP/Adware. Onde está ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from PCPotheke, (13 july 2014)

What is the comparative of excellent ?
After ending the software the mesage window says:"you can also install Hosts Anti-PUP/Adware. Click on Tools and then on Hosts Anti-PUP/Adware....mmmhhhh i do not find it. Where is it ? or How does ist work ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from Sil3nt, (08 july 2014)

(wrong second link posted.. sorry)
Here's the link at screenshot report:


on AdwCleaner's page

from GG84, (03 july 2014)


Est t'il prévu de pouvoir lancer AdwCleaner en ligne de commande ? Par exemple, "adwcleaner.exe /scan -remove" lancerait un scan des fichiers malveillants, puis les supprimeraient, tout cela en arrière plan avec peut être un log directement dans la console (par ex: "Scanning folders... Done!" etc.)



Are there any plans you can launch AdwCleaner in command line? For example, "adwcleaner.exe / scan -remove" will launch a scan of malicious files and then would remove all, in the background. With maybe a log directly into the console (eg "Scanning folders ... Done!" etc.)

Thanks a lot.


on AdwCleaner's page

from redwolfe_98, (30 june 2014)

feedback for the "adwcleaner" program, like for reporting "false positives", should be posted here:


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (27 june 2014)


Je rencontre quelques problème depuis une récente mise à jour, tout fonctionne bien lors du scan jusqu'à l'analyse de mes navigateurs où il m'ouvre une nouvelle page AutoItCOM Test avec l'erreur numéro: 800401F3
Lorsque je clic sur ok une nouvelle page s'affiche avec l'erreur 000000A9, je reclic sur ok et là une erreur windows s'affiche avec marqué:
Line 4401 (File"C:\Documments and Settings\JvJ\Mes documents\Téléchargements\adwcleaner_3.213.exe"):
Error: Error in expression

Puis-je avoir votre aide s'il vous plait ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 june 2014)

When the program quarantines a program, it marks every file in subfolders [filename].[ext].vir. A few hundred movie files were named in this way, would it be possible to change that behaviour so that only executables are marked in this way?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (30 may 2014)

Hi--I downloaded AdwCleaner and it did a great job. However, after running it the first time (at the end of the Install process), I found no desktop icon nor an executable file that I could run. Please help me figure this out. Thanks.


on AdwCleaner's page

from libeccio42, (19 may 2014)

Help please - I run regularly AdwCleaner (most up to date) and I always find items flagged in Chrome - I click on the clean button and after rebooting I found the following:
# AdwCleaner v3.210 - Report created 19/05/2014 at 13:19:25
# Updated 19/05/2014 by Xplode
# Operating System : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (64 bits)
# Username : Paulo - PAULO-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Paulo\Desktop\Clean Up\AdwCleaner.exe
# Option : Clean
***** [ Services ] *****
***** [ Files / Folders ] *****
***** [ Shortcuts ] *****
***** [ Registry ] *****
***** [ Browsers ] *****
-\\ Internet Explorer v0.0.0.0
-\\ Google Chrome v34.0.1847.116
[ File : C:\Users\Paulo\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\preferences ]
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}
Deleted [Search Provider] : hxxp://{searchTerms}&a=dsites0103&cd=2XzuyEtN2Y1L1QzuzytDtB0BtAyEtAtC0D0A0ByCyDtB0DzytN0D0Tzu0CyByByDtN1L2XzutBtFtBtFtCyDtFtCyCtAtCtN1L1CzutBtAtDtC1N1R&cr=938586735&ir=
Deleted [Startup_urls] : hxxp://
Deleted [Startup_urls] : hxxp://
AdwCleaner[R47].txt - [1467 octets] - [19/05/2014 13:18:36]
AdwCleaner[S21].txt - [1397 octets] - [19/05/2014 13:19:25]

I assume the Chrome items are delete. I run AdwCleaner again, and they seem to be gone. If I run again AwdCleaner a few hours later, the items are back. Where are they coming from? How can I clean them permanently? I do not have nor Please, help.
Contact at - thanks
########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S21].txt - [1458 octets] ##########