AdwCleaner has stopped working

I have tried several times to run AdwCleaner on my laptop but it continues to stop during Heuristic analysis while doing a scan and windows closes the program.  I am running a Windows 10 Home (1709) OS on a Dell Inspiron laptop.  Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Peter

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

I found this thread while looking for answer to my own pup issues and signed up to say thanks.  What worked for me was uninstalling Chrome and then running Malwarebytes Adwcleaner. Ran it a second time and with Chrome uninstalled a got a clean scan this time. Before that it would identify Pup.Legacy.Optional. I would clean it but when I would run it a second time it would be back again.  After ...

Re: Website work

As I understand it, you need to be a registered user to start playing. Most likely you will be offered a short training. Usually it is very simple and at the same time cognitive. You can find similar sites and even mobile apps and play directly from your mobile phone.


Re: Signing

Of course already signed. At the time the message was created, everyone downloaded a version without a signature, and later the file was updated.

Re: crash à 10%

Oui c'est vraiment étrange. 

Entre temps nouveau formatage (nouveau test en cours) qui est allé jusqu'au bout cette fois 

Re: Probleme MAJ Windows 10

Je precise que j'ai deja essayer de supprimer la derniere maj qui me pose probleme mais le probleme perciste. Merci d'avance pour votre solicitation.

Re: Problème erreur avec ADWCleaner


Alors revenons sur le sujet pour information, et cela peut servir................. 

Donc j'ai retéléchargé la version Adw 6.047 refait un analyse et il a supprimé ce qu'il avait besoin de supp, ensuite j'ai refait une analyse avec la dernière version et la plus de bloquage tout refonctionne correctement............. ;)  Sujet clot pour ma part

ducaticorse, 2017-10-10 22:57...

Re: demande d'analyse de mon pc


C'est sûr que si tokinirina continue à n'en faire qu'à sa tête et nous répond que tous les 15 jours en créant un nouveau sujet à chaque fois, on ne va jamais y arriver :!messageId-13499

Advanced System Care

I've been using IObit's advanced system care and other progs for a long time now, on recommendation of a techie.  I have successfully told Malwarebytes not to remove it, although Mb obviously hates it.  However, I've just had a problem with recurring PUPs and thought I'd turn to ADW because my current stronger package is playing silly-b's since a recent update.  But it just came up with a board...

Re: lavasoft web companion

OK, this issue is known and will be fixed in the upcoming 7.1 version.

In the meantime, we can try to use AdwCleaner in Safe Mode. It works sometimes.

Here is how you can boot Windows 7 in Safe Mode :

Then, just launch AdwCleaner again and do a scan/clean.