La version v4.106 n'a pas corrigé le problème d'effacement de Google toolbar tout comme la précédente et la version 3.201.
Décochez toutes les corrections de registre se terminant par ....CD4F}
Pour Edelweiss, faites comme moi, sauvegardez toujours les anciennes version avant d'installer la nouvelle.
Réparez avec:
Même problème que "jeangabill" suppression de de "google toolbar".
Si on valide le nettoyage de la BDR ---> WINZIP est supprimé !!!
Et ces 2 clés reviennent en boucle:
Clé Présente : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{7FEBEFE3-6B19-4349-98D2-FFB09D4B49CA}
Clé Présente : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nico Mak Computing
Bonne soirée
Pour la deuxième fois et cette fois avec la version v4.105 ma barre d'outil Google est supprimée.
Obligé de la rétablir avec
Again I will ask and hope for an answer!
Cleaning malware with AdwCleaner in Windows 7 of a friend AdwCleaner didn't delete some tasks named "Rocket Updater" and "APSnotifier...". Everything else was deleted. What to do?
Thank you very much for an answer.
my adw cleaner said it was out of date so i downloaded a newer version but problems occurred and my anti virus blocked it as it was seen as a threat to my computer i was really impressed with this tool now i am unable to use it hope you can give me some feedback as how i can remedy this problem so i may go on using your product
hats off to xplode and cocochepeau!
thanks so much really indeed for the great and hard job you have done!
and for the time and patience that you have gifted to all of us windows' xp's users!
now yr precious tool really rocks!
and it works very fine on my old wins xp as it always have done in the past up to the vers 3.311
thanks so much again!
do not forget this solution you have discovered
to solve the bug because maybe in the future should be helpful again
Norton malware indicate the time of download
Adwcleaner is detecting the search engine ixquick as malware. This search engine is no malware.
I'm using XP, and AdwCleaner has never detected any adware or malware on my computer other than one or two orphan registry entries. How many did AdwCleaner detect on your Windows 7 computer? Oh yeah, 140.... There's a lot more to computing than having the very latest... ;)
Adwcleaner is detecting speedbit video downloader as a malware. This makes it difficult in cleaning other malwares as some of the links might be related to speedbit video downloader. could you check this link and solve the problem ( Thank you