
sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Robemm, (20 octobre 2017)

the current version (adwcleaner_7.0.3.1.exe) will not run on windows 10 64 bit. A user account control message in a window states it has been blocked by an administrator. All installs seem to be blocked.


sur la page de UnHackMe

de properbo, (05 octobre 2017)

I picked up nasty malware where it stopped all services etc.I tried several programs like combofix etc.I booted into safemode ran Rkill then unhackme.It fixed my machine within an hour.Very impressed ;-) A1


sur la page de DelFix

de WoolyPlayZ, (17 septembre 2017)

is there an English version because
i cant understand a single word


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de HappyGoat, (02 août 2017)

Hello, if this is being monitored, just wanted to report that the current version kills my LogMeIn session when cleaning - like it used to a long time ago.


sur la page de GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall

de Streuner, (08 juin 2017)

After using the program for so long, it stops measuring the data. Although I watch YouTube videos, Face or download a movie, the application marks 0kb and does not display an active graphic. In some occasions the problem is solved by re-installing, but there comes a moment that does not work since it does not measure traffic or anything.


sur la page de driver locker

de daviduran, (05 juin 2017)

Deberian añadir la opcion de bloquear carpetas en específico.


sur la page de MBrowser

de melwin, (29 mai 2017)

gamezertruth now my browser does have its own setting options with new themes


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de Jeffgoal2004, (13 mai 2017)

This could be my best adcleaner in the whole world.
Not only it fixes my problem, it gives me advice, too.
I recommended other users who are having adware problems should use this amazing hi-technology adware cleaner


sur la page de QuickDiag

de gen-hackman, (23 avril 2017)

bonjour désolé de n'avoir vu ce commentaire avant

il n'y a pas d'erreur de signature , le fichier est bien signé mais en fait il est auto-signé mais non reconnu par TrustProvider car une signature numerique reconnue officiellement coute cher donc j'ai signé le fichier numeriquement avec le logiciel AbylonSoft créateur de signatures numeriques d'ailleurs en regardant dans les propriétés on voit bien que c'est ma signature accompagné du certificat de symantec


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de sekula123, (19 avril 2017)

Hey I have a problem with adwcleaner.
When i click on scan, they denied me with message "sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced."
i'm trying to delete it and install again several times, and every time same...