
sur la page de AdwCleaner

de killen, (28 janvier 2016)

Fix it please!!!
-doesn't run on Windows XP SP3;
-language switch is not working, only English!


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de ****, (27 janvier 2016)

"[UPD] - Language module updated"

Теперь не работает переключение языка, только английский!
Now is not running the language switching, only the English!


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de PowerMan, (25 décembre 2015)

The network has a new infection called - texteditor.
Located in the startup. Opens the search engine created by fraudsters.
It would be nice if the author can add the cure against this infection in his program.
Sorry for my bad English.I used a Google translator))


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de IRON67, (13 novembre 2015)

Once again and this time in english my suggestion for the UI/language

While in English is a distinctly difference between "Cleaning" and "Uninstall", in the german translation the words "Löschen" (Delete) and "Deinstallieren" (Uninstall) are not so different and many people misunderstand this. After a scan they often choose "Deinstallieren" (and the similar Icon with the red bug reinforces the error) because they think, that this uninstalls the malware but in fact it deinstalls AdwCleaner.

Please change that.


sur la page de WinUpdateFix

de jjunkk, (15 septembre 2015)

Here is the translation to English. I just used Google.
Then I took a screen shot of WinUpdateFix. The you can change the instruction boxes to English. Then print out the altered picture and use that for reference.


OS : Microsoft Windows 7

SP : Pas de données
SP : No Data

Architecture : 64 bits

Session en cours : Corentin
Session : Current

[Windows Update]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Actif (2)
Active (2)

Dernière Maj effectuée le
Last Shift effected

Date time



Mises á jour automatiques
Automatic Updates

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic

[Service de cryptographie]
[Cryptographic Service]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Effacer le cataloque des mises á jour
Clear the catalog updates

Réinscrire les Dll
Regester the DLLs

Vider le dossier Software Distribution
Empty the Software Distribution folder

Réínitialíser les paramétres Winsock
Reset Winsock Settings

Supprimer les fichiers temporaires
Delete temporary files

Reinitialiser les descripteurs de securite
Reset security descriptors

Supprimer le proxy
Remove proxy

Restaurer les policies
Restore policies

Effacer la file d'attente BITS
Clear the BITS queue


Tous Aucun
All No



Créer un rapport de
Create a diagnostic


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de irinaandrusenko, (22 août 2015)

Hello I love your program, since I use it a little earlier, but in Russian, had the early versiya.Ochen beg you, please do click with different languages, it was convenient to all the people, you will also be more visitors.
I'll look forward to the new updated version with the inclusion of interface Russian yazyka.Znayu that podderzhut me not only English, but also all other lyudi.S respect Irina.Zarannee thank you.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de irinaandrusenko, (22 août 2015)

Здравствуйте Мне очень нравится ваша программа,так как я ею пользовалась немного раньше,но на русском языке,раннее была такая версия.Очень вас прошу,пожалуйста сделайте кнопку с разными языками,чтобы было удобно всем людям,у вас же будет больше посетителей.Буду с нетерпением ждать новой обновлённой версии с включением в интерфейс русского языка.Знаю,что меня поддержут не только русскоязычные,но и все остальные люди.С уважением Ирина.Зараннее благодарю вас.
Hello I love your program, since I use it a little earlier, but in Russian, had the early versiya.Ochen beg you, please do click with different languages, it was convenient to all the people, you will also be more visitors.
I'll look forward to the new updated version with the inclusion of interface Russian yazyka.Znayu that podderzhut me not only English, but also all other lyudi.S respect Irina.Zarannee thank you.


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de IRON67, (15 août 2015)

Bug or "feature"? AdwCleaner 5.000 appears in English after normal Installation on a german Win 7, 64bit


sur la page de AdwCleaner

de p060477, (15 août 2015)

@xplode :
thxs to our guardian angels!
yr last 5.0 of yr beautiful sw really works for my win 10 home 64 bit!

some questions:

1) there is a new tab. -options- to usefully set it..??..we need a guide or tutorial
2) why you don't write the compatibility also for win 10 in its description?
3)what about the old forum where we post our 3d about yr beautiful tool?
4) sometimes yr tool was also in ita language..why now is only in english?

thxs so much again !!
pls a guide to the new tab . -options-




sur la page de QuickDiag

de ****, (18 mai 2015)

Could u possibly try to translate posts from French to English? There are a lot of us USA users of ur products who unfortunately do not speak French (wish I did, it sounds beautiful). Not sure if I should download some of ur recently updated offerings, as I do not know what they do. Thanks for ur consideration & have a wonderful day!!