For some reason after the last update it's detecting 2 Registry entries and one of them is related to Windows Defender, so I suppose it is a false positive.
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot\Certificates\3679CA35668772304D30A5FB873B0FA77BB70D54
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\Image File Execution Options\MsMpEng.exe
Developer Xplode
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing the world's best anti-malware tool.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP.
If your web page had a DONATE NOW button, I would quickly click it.
Developer Xplode.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for providing one of the most effective anti-malware tools in the world.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for continuing to support Windows XP. Without AdWare,
I could not safely use the Internet with XP...since so many 'paid' anti-malware software stopped supporting XP.
If you had a Donate Now button, I would click it immediately.
Barbeloup à Chaubard: j'ai eu le problème et l'ai signalé.
Seul recours: restauration à une date antérieure et c'est reparti!
Bonjour, aprez avoir nettoyer le rapport de scan ecrit toujour cette phrase:
" Clé de tracing supprimer parametre windsoq réenitialisé"
Je voudrai savoir se que sa signifie?
Il y a un probleme au niveaux de l information du pop up en fin de scan , en effet ce pop up indique toujours que le PC n' est " pas infecté"...alors que en faite lorseque on clique sur nettoyer on trouve plein d adwaeres.
Don merci de bien vouloir rectifié ce probleme.
Let me hear!!!!!!!! ....the right way is.......
***** [ Internetbrowser ] *****
[-] [C:\Users\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Secure Preferences] [Startup_URLs] Gelöscht : hxxp://
[-] [C:\Users\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Secure Preferences] [Extension] Gelöscht : ljmibnagodajacnnbifpamhggcohblip
Hello, keep up the good work!
I am Tony Karavasilev, the one who helped you with the translation to Bulgarian.
The last time I have sent and email to CHEPEAU Corentin was 07.11.2015, but he did not answer.
That's the reason I am writing here.
There are only two changes needed to the Bulgarian translation:
1. Please change the "български" to "Български", because every country should start with a capital letter (some may find this offensive).
2. The new function for removal of tracing keys, should be changed from [Махни "Tracing" ключове] to [Премахни "Tracing" ключове] for better translation corresponding to the other translated functions.
ALSO, how is the work going with the "Translators" list menu in the "About" tab? As I understood, it is on your 'to do' list.
Thank you for all, I'll be waiting for those two language pack updates. :)
quel logiciel utiliser pour supprimer l'accès des pub intempestives innodant l'écran. Merci
bonsoir,je suis tres content de adwcleaner il fait du bon travail je les recommander a mes ami,amie il sont tres content merci beaucoup a toute l'équipe