I have a couple of false positives to report that keep getting flagged, but shouldn't be.
1. Under Scheduled Tasks, RunAsStdUser Task is C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe
This is a legit Directory Opus entry.
2. Under Shortcuts, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\Ready To Run Scripts\INISTART - Reset Windows Startup.lnk
This is a legit Terabyte Image for Windows shortcut.
i don't know how to get dis thing while i have a virus like... rye now
APRES avoir telechargé ADWCLEANER 5.115 il m'est impossible d'executer le programme,
la mention "adwcleaner n'est pas une instruction win32 valide" apparait sur mon laptop.
comment y remedier SVP
hao 169 can't be removed, please check it, i'm on win10 and every time the malware changes the browsers shortcut to hao 169 webpage.
Cuando pulso el botón ESCANEAR aparece el error "AdwCleaner no puedo cargar la base de datos" y no funciona.
Me ocurre desde hace varias semanas, con las versiones que se van actualizando.
Lo desinstalo previamente.
Mi equipo es un Windows 8.1, pero también me ocurre en un Windows 7 nativo.
Alguna ayuda?.
@ibanez0r You're welcome to continue using our free version of GlassWire indefinitely. Our free software is extremely powerful on its own and it never expires or stops working. We chose to interface with the Windows Firewall API because the Windows Firewall is used by over a billion Windows users world-wide. Also we think software that disables the Windows Firewall feels sketchy to us, but maybe we're just paranoid. :)
hice la cuenta solo para agradecer, me quito el yessearch y otros malware. MUCHAS GRACIAS
AdwCleaner 5.112 reports the database is corrupt. I've downloaded multiple times directly from https://toolslib.net/downloads/finish/1/
Please check the posted file and advise.
i can't get rid of tradeadexchange urls & arabytracking sites that occasionally popp up in front of me whenever I try to surf the internet
THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH FOR PROVIDING this superb TOOL. I sincerely recommend it to everyone who wants to get rid of the "other instance is running" popup every time you start your Computer because of that "Web Companion” virus that sneaks into your system a s a parasite alongside other apps on the web. On top of wiping away that parasitical Web Companion Crap, AdwCLEARNER is a truly user friendly tool to clean up all kinds of nasty stuff that is floating around on the internet.