Re: Ransomware .shit?

Browsing old threads and safe to say, that Locky won't be decryptable for quite some time. Considering that new versions of it are coming out, making it even more complicated to do anything. You can read more on Malwarebytes and The Hacker News. Even Kaspersky's attempts at that have failed. Hopefully, we can have the master key somehow, or a lucky break in decryption. Other than that, you can ...

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom

Future here! Hopefully, you will be able to understand this in English. Decided, to surf some older posts and add some information to what we now know. 2 Vendors currently have a decryptor for it as part of the "No More Ransom" project (Not related to this extension, this extension is just mocking). You can find Kaspersky's and McAfee's versions respectively. Additionally, you can read more abo...

Re: Jaff virus?

Utilisez Data Recovery Pro ou Rakhni decryptor pour restaurer les fichiers cryptés par le rançongiciel Jaff. Data Recovery Pro est unun outil automatique qui peut effectuer ce travail à votre place. Vous pouvez il ou Rahini décrypteur conçu par Kaspersky Lab en cliquant ici:

N'oubliez d'exécuter une analyse supplémentaire de votre syst...

Re: Jaff virus?

Slt, je me permet tu peut aller sur ce site pour avoir si il existe un outil décrytapge pour ton cas :

Re: False positive confirmation

dans AdwCleaner par Clovers

No worries. I figured that these days everyone in the business has their hands full with the new ransomware going around. Thank you for your hard work.

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom

dans Disinfection par regist

Maybe in future it will be posible to decrypt it.  

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom

dans Disinfection par regist

On devrait pouvoir recuperer vos fichiers ensuite!

fr33tux, 2017-04-25 16:52:46 (UTC)

You will not be able to restore files (without payment the villain), but we can help to clean up the system from traces of the virus.

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom


Dans un premier temps, ne paniquez pas.

Ensuite, copiez le contenu du fichier "Readme.txt" de votre Bureau dans votre prochain message.

Enfin, pouvez-vous partager via un quelconque fichier chiffre se terminant par l'extension ".no_more_ransom" ?

On devrait pouvoir recuperer vos fichiers ensuite!


extansion .no_more_ransom

je viens d'être bloqué par un ransom ware qui crypte les fichiers window, doc et pdf avec une extension .no_more_ransom

quelqu'un sait il comment je peux récupérer mes fichiers ?


Pop optional problem

dans AdwCleaner par markmnc1

I found out I have malware or spyware on my PC.  I have Malwarebytes Premium and have ran that but it still doesnt do the trick.  After googling the problem I realize I need to go to this site (Toolslib) to download adwcleaner so I download that, run it, it comes up with 9-14 pieces of spy/mal/ransommare.  Adwcleaner fixed that problem (supposedly) then reboots my PC but I still have the issue ...