Re: Fichiers indesirables que adw cleaner ne supprime pas


L'analyse de ces dossiers avec Malwarebytes 3 ne me trouve rien de suspect.



Infection ou pas?

dans AdwCleaner par GEGEPING

Bonjour ^^

Avec l'une des dernières maj de la base, deux chose sont apparues en tant que choses nuisibles:


C'est localisé dans app local data et user enfin un truc comme ça.

J'ai scanné avec Malwarebytes et lui ne trouve rien de cela.

Pourtant adwcleaner est une partie de Malwarebytes.

Zhpdiag et Zhpcleaner ne trouvent rien

D'avance merci pour votre aide

Re: bloquer par ladministrateur

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Pouvez-vous utiliser cet outil:

Ensuite, relancez AdwCleaner et copiez/collez le rapport d'analyse genere.


Re: adwcleaner, same 6 threats, all from chrome

dans AdwCleaner par selster

I used chrome canary for a while and the problem seemed to stop.  I am now trying the regular chrome again, and the problem is really back.  I have tried to follow google's instructions above but find them opaque and hard to understand.  All, I know is that the problem is back.  Maybe I should try canary again?

Re: My software not shown under recently updated tab in the footer

dans MBrowser par melwin

oh now i got it thanks for the explanation i didn't knew the new system update works in a different way. Thanks for the reply


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, perhaps an Off Topic but I add some infos for next Tuesday:

today at boot, when Comodo was finalizing its definition updating process I become a Blue Screen and I had to power my PC off (B_Desktop). After reboot all was ok.

No logs, no report in Event Viewer, No minidumps, No memory.dump today (you can see the latest from 10th April in Google Drive), No Livekernelreports, I only saw "Memo...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi fr33tux, thanks for your reply and analysis. Here both logs A_Laptop and B_Desktop

(I hope that you may want to delete Symantec from boot process, see please my first post, part #2; on Google Drive I shared a memory.dump file too, hope this helps).


-Dettagli log-
Data scansione: 26/05/17
Ora scansione: 13:43
File di log: MBAM_for__A_Laptop.txt

Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Bonjour, I already wrote to you per email one month ago, now I'm registered and I post here on the forum. I am cumdacon and I posted 2012 on the forum "general changelog". In the meantime I see that you changed the forum adress and switched from ZHPdiag to FRST. Vista ended its main support one month ago, [Office2007 is still receiving updates at least until september and Firefox 52ESR until at...

Re: Supprimer malwares/virus


  • Téléchargez AdwCleaner à partir de cette page:
  • Lancez-le, puis lisez les conditions d'utilisation. Si vous les acceptez, cliquez sur "J'accepte".
  • Cliquez sur [Analyser] et patientez jusqu'à la fin.
  • Lorsque l'analyse est terminée, cliquez sur [Rapport]. Allez sur l'onglet "Analyse" et ouvrez le premier rapport (surligné de bl...