Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

dans AdwCleaner par ****

same problem here i have lost my connection after use adwcleaner by chance i have imported winsock and winsock2 from my windows 10 regedit on my windows 7 and it work again, i'm afraid to use it now

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

No slowness, seems the same speed as 5.107 and earlier, great work merci encore.


Hi !

What a quick reply and perfect support :-)

I do a cleanup of the installed software frequently, there should be not to much unknown.

Most of the programs you listed are installed since a while and known to me (some are quite famous like Corel or Paragon), only DocMgr is quite questionable - it isn't listed in the installed programs, and I can find it listed in the start menu.

I ran cCl...


dans AdwCleaner par Smerch


after using AdwCleaner I can not start the intrneth. All browsers have the same problem "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN"

I try to use some comand, but I can not fixed it. (ipconfig / flushdns;  route - f; try to change dns to And I have Full Scan in Kaspersky Internet Security.

Also I have report by AdwCleaner but I do not know where I can put in this file. I use this site:  ht...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Hi Xplode,

Sadly the same...

Event Type:    Error Event Source:    Application Error Event Category:    None Event ID:    1000 Date:        06/04/2016 Time:        11:20:44 AM User:        N/A Computer:    USER-********** Description: Faulting application adwcleaner_debug.exe, version, faulting module libeay32.dll, version, fault address 0x00070d1b.

For more information, see ...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Hi Xplode.

Sadly no, it is n't...same result. At the "loading database" stage I get a program error (attached)

Event Type:    Error Event Source:    Application Error Event Category:    None Event ID:    1000 Date:        05/04/2016 Time:        6:15:58 PM User:        N/A Computer:    USER-************ Description: Faulting application adwcleaner_debug.exe, version, faulting module l...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Thank you fr33tux, I apperciate your help and time on this.

Judging by the number of those who have read this thread, I think others may have the same issue.

Again, thanks.


Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Still the same problem with v5.109

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

I tried with Avast disabled and ran as Admin, but the same result as my first post....

It may be a long shot, but, does v5.108 support non SSE2 CPUs? I have 2 other XP sp3 machines wit similar setups that run v5.108 with no problems, but this problem machine runs an old non SSE2 CPU?

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Do you have a security software running at the same time ?