Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Seems like all of your network devices are out of date. Including Nvidia streaming service which could be a cause, since it does have light exploits to DNS changing. Adwcleaner -> Update your drivers to the latest, if you can Boot Windows "safe mode with networking" and update everything there. Let me know if that solves the issue. Also, farbar flushed your DNS so you should be good for now.

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

The fact that this is Spanish(Maybe?) makes it very VERY difficult to read.... Any way you could turn it into English? On the first glance noticed some things that MIGHT be potential issues, unsure, cause..... I am not yet used to reading the logs, and different language doesn't help the issue :)

JoshRoss, 2017-09-07 14:26:07 (UTC)

Of course sorry.

If you see something that is not translat...

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

Ports, applications, accessibility. Maybe your other device is used a lot less, you haven't messed with any ports or have any applications that require forwarding. Honestly, very weird issue, I would need to investigate the files. Can you scan your PC With Farbar MiniToolBox and Malwarebytes JRT? Post the logs that you get.

JoshRoss, 2017-09-06 13:16:38 (UTC)

MiniToolBox by Farbar  Version...

Re: redémarrage impossible après passage de tweaning

dans Windows par cocochepeau


Avez-vous la possibilité d'utiliser un autre clavier ? Vous pouvez aussi tenter d'utiliser le clavier d'accessibilité de Windows. Vous pouvez vous rendre sur cette page pour savoir comment y accéder.

Ensuite, tentez la restauration d'un point de restauration système. La marche à suivre est décrite sur cette page, dans la section "Restaurer à partir d’un point de restauration système"...

Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

It looks like your PC's DHCP IP's have been altered maliciously not too long ago. Which it would make sense why one PC detects it, and another doesn't. Default addresses can be hijacked and used for malicious intents. It is hard to say whether it is a false positive or not. You could always reset your PCs IP's and router to see if that solves the problem. 

JoshRoss, 2017-09-04 12:22:20 (UTC)


Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

It looks like your PC's DHCP IP's have been altered maliciously not too long ago. Which it would make sense why one PC detects it, and another doesn't. Default addresses can be hijacked and used for malicious intents. It is hard to say whether it is a false positive or not. You could always reset your PCs IP's and router to see if that solves the problem. 

Re: Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

As far as the logs go, no drivers/registry keys that are crucial to the functionality of any hardware have been removed. Just some PUPs that are malicious and have nothing to do with it. For future reference, make sure you update your Windows to the latest version, update your drivers to the latest and do an additional scan both with Adwcleaner and Malwarebytes.

Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

In hopes of making my two computers as safe as can be I went ahead and removed the various files that AdwCleaner detected in a scan. However, because I had issues with my computer's hardrive becoming corrupt recently, I'm worried that some of the registry files that were deleted might in fact be necessary ones. Can someone please let me know if this is the case? I've posted the content of the l...

Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par gen-hackman

hello before using the tool it's good to read the informations and indications about it.

did you turn off your protections that could block the tool ?

it's possible to recover the files or registry keys in the options and selecting what you want to restore

What do you call 'good files deleted' ? windows' crack or something like this ? ^^ or a crapware or unwanted program ?



Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par JoshRoss

Greetings. Please do paste the log. Also, weird reaction, it shouldn't take 4 hours for 50%. It could have been malware trying to prevent further execution of the software, had that happen before. And I am not sure if there is a way to recover your files, official representatives should comment on this matter.