Fehlmeldung in adw Cleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par Pummel

First excuse my bad english.

Adw-cleaner has been quite satisfactory so far. Today, however, as suspicious Files, he shows me all entries belonging to a Program. I've been installing this Program for Years. Why is this Message only coming now? Once I've cleaned up these Messages, this Program doesn't work and, moreover, OneDrive and Dropbox no longer log in automatically.

Re: Remove botton

Sorry for my late reply.

Are you running AdwCleaner on Windows Vista?

Re: Strange toolbar on my browser


First, you can try to download and run AdwCleaner by following this link: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/

Please share the generated logfile after the system reboot.

Strange toolbar on my browser

Hi there,

My son has infected my computer with some kind of malware. New toolbar has apperaed on my chrome browser (fuq.com virus/toolbar i don't know). I have found a tutorial and did all the steps, but it did not help. I am thinking of buying ADWCleaner. Will it help me?

Thanks a lot

Re: Remove botton


Can you try again, but this time launching AdwCleaner through the Downloads folder?

Note that even if AdwCleaner itself (the executable) is still present, the AdwCleaner folder (located at C:\AdwCleaner) should be removed when you click Uninstall.

About the notification by email, we've had some issues recently but it's now fixed.

Re: Remove botton


Where is AdwCleaner located when you try to "uninstall" it? Is it inside the Downloads folder?


Re: ZHPCleaner link is broken on your website

Thanks. I'll try to share the logfile with ZHPCleaner dev.

cocochepeau, 2019-01-27 20:30:30 (UTC)

OK , let me know if there any update on this issue and when you get an answer from him !

Re: Remove botton

download the latest version of the Adwcleaner here https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/


Re: ZHPCleaner link is broken on your website

Thanks. I'll try to share the logfile with ZHPCleaner dev.

Re: ZHPCleaner link is broken on your website

Can you share the logfile?

cocochepeau, 2019-01-23 19:32:14 (UTC)

here is the log file https://up2sha.re/file?f=0X2ddMXf