Re: Is this a false positive?

dans AdwCleaner par Nec

Ports, applications, accessibility. Maybe your other device is used a lot less, you haven't messed with any ports or have any applications that require forwarding. Honestly, very weird issue, I would need to investigate the files. Can you scan your PC With Farbar MiniToolBox and Malwarebytes JRT? Post the logs that you get.

JoshRoss, 2017-09-06 13:16:38 (UTC)

MiniToolBox by Farbar  Version...

100% False Positive, but not good for me!

Hello reader, I using another new browser called Torch ( and I really hate, that ADWCleaner thing that Torch Browser is adware, can be that fixed? Its only normal browser based on Chromium, nothing bad in the browser, but the worst thing is, everytime I need to reinstall the browser after ran ADWCleaner, Thanks for help

Re: False Positive v7?

Upon further investigation, this looks like malware's registry file that wasn't removed correctly, but the rest of the issue was

That seems rather unlikely, because the registery key was the only thing that was detected. To reiterate, before AdwCleaner's database update of August 25 my Adwcleaner scans (and other scans for that matter) were clean. In addition, other virusscanners weren't abl...

Probleme de ping



Depuis quelques semaines quand je joues avec teamSpeak ouvert j'ai une montée de ping normalement j'ai ~16ms et là ça peut monter jusqu'à 2500ms voir plus pendant ~10sec. Ducout j'entends mal mes coéquipiers... En jeu je n'est pas de montée de ping, juste parfois mais rarement j'ai une déconnexion en me disant :" Connexion perdue". Et cela uniquement quand un jeu est lancé car l...

Re: More false positives

You know that, i know that, but a schoolstudent does not. As a servicedeskmanager i have been promoting adwcleaner for years on our schools but now it's causing confusion among collegues and other cliënts when adwcleaner is stating that there might be a problem or maybe something is a PUP while there isnt anything wrong. I understand there's a behavior pattern wich puts it in a categorie for ma...

Re: infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.

Je sais,

J'ai en plus de ceci

Des cartes sd bootables et d'autres pour mon futur raspberry pi commandé pour noel:

Suspicions de boot error et de capabilité de filmer avec l'appareil-photo sur toutes (winusb win 10 setup, win 10 iot core,  raspbian, framakey mint,   sd de reinitialisation mot de passe w7, ...)

La raspbian d'origine 64 gb passée à 55 mo,  impossible d'étendre aux 64 gb car "n...

Re: problème au nettoyage adwcleaner_7.0.1.0

dans AdwCleaner par marie54

bonjour j'ai deja éssayer la version suivante sa fait pareil sa ne résou pas le problème 


Re: AdwCleaner not responding at post actions

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

Firstly, make sure you cleaned up your Adware fully, otherwise, the problem might still persist. Newest updated of AdwCleaner shouldn't have this issue. Try doing a full reinstall of the software and see if that helps!

Re: After install Torch browser from the official page adwcleaner detects malware 18

dans AdwCleaner par aprengo

I completely eliminate Torch.

After reiniiating I have some sort of problems with several disconfiguration. I wait to charge the system and reiniate again. The second reiniation was almost normal.

I am preparing the third....

My problem is solved.


Re: After install Torch browser from the official page adwcleaner detects malware 18

dans AdwCleaner par aprengo

Nobody knows ?

I am investigating. It's strange some links in the official page redirects me to Reimage Repair.

The wiki article has not good past for this program.

I have decided to uninstall completely without your help.

Best Regards

I will communicate any incidence if negative.