Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan


I'm running the latest version of ADW cleaner and got this back as my report.

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Optional.CrossRider, C:/Users\Gamefan\AppData\Roaming\app

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No malicious DLLs found.

***** [ WMI ] *****

No malicious WMI found.

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****


Re: V7 tools/options changes not sticking in both Win 7 and Win 10

Update re Win 10.

The tools/options alterations do stick except the delete tracing keys and reset winsock which keep reappearing.  

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

last one second before now scan:

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sat Jul 22 13:52:03 2017 # Updated on 2017/17/07 by Malwarebytes # Running on Windows 10 Home (X64) # Mode: clean # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services deleted.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Deleted: C:\Users\Luca\AppData\Roaming\.acestream

***** [ Files ] *****


Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

I have no proxies on either machine.

Just updated and ran scan - still same result as yesterday as below - 280 entires found!

The Chrome entries found are simply my personalisations for the Chrome start up page! Should definately not be selected or cleaned!

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Jul 21 08:26:44 2017 # Updated on 2017/17/07 by Malwarebytes # Database: 07-16-2017.1 # Ru...

V7 tools/options changes not sticking in both Win 7 and Win 10

The latest version 7 options changes are not sticking. Wth Win 7 the tools/options window which opens does not have an Okay or reset button and any changes made dont even stick for the immediate scan ie the delete tracing keys and reset the Winsock cannot be changed even though the ticks can be removed as soon as the options window is closed and then reopended the ticks are back. Then Win 10 to...

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


1) so which is the correct shape of the c\adwcleaner\quarantine folder for v7?


2)having dl the latest v7 i expected to have all its folders in the correct way...

You have, and it's not the issue here. Both v6 and v7 can run on the same machine.

3)in the past yr tool let us CHOOSE if an ele...

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

first thxs!

1) so which is the correct shape of the c\adwcleaner\quarantine folder for v7?

2)having dl the latest v7 i expected to have all its folders in the correct way...

3)in the past yr tool let us CHOOSE if an elements was so or not dangerous enough to be deleted or quarantined..

  if now it is not so for me,IMHO, is a very big step BACK


Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional - 3 Threats Identified

dans AdwCleaner par cjankow

Looks like safe with nw did the trick. Same two elements were identified, but this time the removal process included a step "cleaning chrome", which definitely wasn't in any of the other scans. When I restarted in regular mode and ran another scan with v7, there were "no unwanted objects found". Super psyched!!

Below are two log files -- first is the one generated after removal of two unwanted...

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

in the folder -quarantine- i have two other folders :



and both are empty NOW

probably when i found,as per yr tool's issue, 162 objects and i was not in the condition of choose clearly one of them delete, as i have well explained in my past posts here yr tool at the tab tools-quarantine showed a blank empty window when there were 162 obj deleted and the quarantine folder was n...

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

as i've described above when the tool discover up to 160 objects..and you admit it was a bug due to its young age..,i have only the possibility to -delete-...after it at the restart i opened yr tool gui and in the tab tools-quarantine- ther window that opened was totally blank..empty without any object of the 162 deleted...

but if i go to the -quarantine- folder in the directory of yr prog  i ...