Archive Old Threats

I would like to request that old threads (1 year and older) be put in an Archive file that any member can access.  Since no one has responded to these older treads they should be archived.  Thanks.

@ cocochepeau

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

dans AdwCleaner par pyramida

It should be ready for the end of the month or during April.

And we'll try to add more flags in the future. :)

cocochepeau, 2018-03-21 17:36:05 (UTC)


Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

dans AdwCleaner par pyramida

@cocochepeau Add badges of other countries to the forum. I'm from Kazakhstan, not from America. I have another flag :)

"Akorda"(White Orda) it's as White House in Washington :)

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

dans AdwCleaner par JamesD


Can you try again? It should be fixed.


cocochepeau, 2018-03-19 18:14:09 (UTC)

Yes, it works :)

Sorry that I couldn't help with this manager I use. I just couldn't sign in to the forum of this manager and didn't have a reply from admin there.

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

dans AdwCleaner par JamesD

Thanks. I'll try to reproduce this during the weekend and will let you know how it goes.

Quick question. Does it works when you're using "Download Master" with >=2 threads on Firefox (not Waterfox)?

And finally, just to make sure everything else is OK. Can you do a scan/clean with AdwCleaner?


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:49:04 (UTC)

You are welcome.

1. Download Master fails with ...

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

dans AdwCleaner par JamesD


Can you give me the steps to reproduce this issue?

  • What web browser / version ;
  • With or without download manager, etc..


cocochepeau, 2018-02-28 19:19:42 (UTC)

Just use Download Master with 2 or more simultanious downloads threads for one file and here you get error.

As for browser error, click Download, it will open new link, then you get option to choose what to do with ...

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

dans AdwCleaner par JamesD


This issue should now be resolved. Can you confirm?


cocochepeau, 2018-02-26 13:47:00 (UTC)

Wow! It's even worse now!

1. Download manager (with 2 threads and above) now brings errors that file has changed after few seconds of downloading. When I click 'download anyway' same happens few seconds later.

2. When I click link 'Click here if download didn't start' I see this err...

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas

Pouvez-vous essayer cette manipulation dans un premier temps :

Est-ce mieux en désactivant la Protection Web ? Vous pouvez la désactiver par un clic droit en bas à droite de la barre des tâches sur l'icône Malwarebytes puis "Protection Web : activée".

cocochepeau, 2018-02-18 09:58:50 (UTC)


Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas

dans AdwCleaner par alfred31

Bonjour ,cocochepeau

c'est probable qu'il y ait une infection que faire alors ,voir avec Zhpdiag?