Re: Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw


S'il t'affiche un numéro de téléphone, n'appelle pas (c'est peut-être un peu bête comme conseil mais certains le font et se sont avoir, je ne connais pas ton niveau).



  • Télécharge et lance AdwCleaner (de ToolsLib / Malwarebytes), choisis l'option Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, choisis l'option Nettoyer.
  • Redémarre le PC comme demandé, héberge le rapport sur pjjoint.malekal... hijack

AdwCleaner was unable to fix it. MalwareBytes also did not help. When I try to open in firefox I see a blank page. The source of the page:


<!DOCTYPE html>
	<script type="text/javascript">
	var url=location.href;
	var ifr = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none'; 
    ifr.src ='//'+'#'+url;

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Chester

Signed in just to show support for all the windows embedded POSReady systems based on XP out there, which are still being updated until april 2019.

Why is that every single person thinks that if there is an old working machine somewhere it should be definitely full of viruses? That's really annoyin...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


There is a possibility to realize an XP support in current version.


I wrote back in August to fr33tux and sent him screens with explanations on how to add XP support to your project. So for now it seems like a MBAM PR action that you don't want to realize such support (though you can).  

It's not a question of technical difficulty, it's a choice to not support an OS no longe...

Re: Impossible de supprimer Nophilos.exe

dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Attention : tu dois prendre la version compatible avec ton système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lance FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Coche la case Addition.txt.
  • Clique sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux rapports FRS...

Re: Can anyone help me identify if any of these deleted registry keys are essential


First of all, sorry for the late answer.

Can you share the scan logfile as well? Thanks.


cocochepeau, 2017-09-19 06:55:31 (UTC)

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sun Sep 10 01:05:26 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 09-08-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Basic (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [...

Can anyone help me identify if any of these deleted registry keys are essential for windows?

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sun Sep 10 01:06:01 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Running on Windows 7 Home Basic (X64) # Mode: clean # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services deleted.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Deleted: C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Bundled software uninstaller Deleted: C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Ro...

Re: redémarrage impossible après passage de tweaning

dans Windows par cocochepeau


Avez-vous la possibilité d'utiliser un autre clavier ? Vous pouvez aussi tenter d'utiliser le clavier d'accessibilité de Windows. Vous pouvez vous rendre sur cette page pour savoir comment y accéder.

Ensuite, tentez la restauration d'un point de restauration système. La marche à suivre est décrite sur cette page, dans la section "Restaurer à partir d’un point de restauration système"...

Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par gen-hackman

hello before using the tool it's good to read the informations and indications about it.

did you turn off your protections that could block the tool ?

it's possible to recover the files or registry keys in the options and selecting what you want to restore

What do you call 'good files deleted' ? windows' crack or something like this ? ^^ or a crapware or unwanted program ?



Re: General Question about AdsFix

dans AdsFix par JoshRoss

Greetings. Please do paste the log. Also, weird reaction, it shouldn't take 4 hours for 50%. It could have been malware trying to prevent further execution of the software, had that happen before. And I am not sure if there is a way to recover your files, official representatives should comment on this matter.