Re: Advise please

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Sorry for the delay of my answer.

You can click on "Cleaning" to remove these elements. Please post the generated logfile in your next answer..

Best regards,

Advise please

dans AdwCleaner par detsi

Following the discovery of b3-uk, I scanned with AdwCleaner. Please see Logfile. Can you advise me if any of the findings should be removed?

# AdwCleaner v5.118 - Logfile created 27/05/2016 at 15:46:42
# Updated 23/05/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-05-26.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium Service Pack 2 (X86)
# Run...

Re: Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


Actually, the path is correct since if a key is found in x64 registry, there will be "[x64]" as a prefix in the path.

This FP should be fixed now, I removed it from the database.


Re: vrexjvx le chrome pirate

Bonjour, BIEN ce  'MiniRegTool64' ! Résultat effarant : la base de registre est encore engluée ! Je suppose que je dois effectuer un "delete" maintenant ? Merci

le result :______________________________________________

MiniRegTool64 by Farbar Version:21-07-2014
Ran by User (administrator) on 2016-05-25 at 11:36:56

Search Result For: "vreXjvX"


Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner

I would if I could but there are only 2 files in the uninstall folder.

Lang.xf       &     skin.xf

I assume that either your program or my manual deletion has removed the.exe files

What to do?


Re: ADW not completely removing MPC Cleaner

I would if I could but there are only 2 files in the uninstall folder.

Lang.xf       &     skin.xf

I assume that either your program or my manual deletion has removed the.exe files

What to do?






Re: Is this a virus/malware/spyware

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


It's a false positive, and it will be removed in the coming database update.

However, it doesn't create any damage if you delete it and will probably be re-created.

Best regards,

Re: - False Positives -

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


I see, AdwCleaner flagged the shortcut because of the string "istart" ( which is related to an adware ) inside "inistart.tbs". I fixed the detection and it should be ok now.


Re: - False Positives -

dans AdwCleaner par Dypsis

Thanks Xplode.

The Directory Opus issue is now fixed. Thank you.

However, how is inistart.tbs going to start since Adwcleaner removed the inistart.tbs string at the end of the shortcut?

Before cleaning: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\win\tbosdtw.exe"

After cleaning: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\win\tbosdtw.exe...

Re: - False Positives -

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode



The task has been removed from the database. The other entry is about an infected shortcut. If you select it, AdwCleaner will clean the shortcut but not deletes it.
