Re: menace apres passage de Adwcleaner

Merci fr33tux

Bravo pour votre excellente analyse, il semblerait que tout soit rentré dans l'ordre.

Ci joint le nouveau fichier.

Merci a vous





Re: GoGameGo redirect and AdwCleaner

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Can you share AdwCleaner logfile? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt.


Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Can you share AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes logfiles?


Re: AdwCleaner needs a .dll for running

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux



Can you do the following to look for "sqlite3.dll" files on your computer ?

  • Download SEAF :
  • Right-click on the icon -> Execute as Administrator.
  • In the search field, type "sqlite3.dll".
  • Then, start the search. A report will open when the search is over (it contains the search results). Please share it here.


menace apres passage de Adwcleaner

Bonjour, une nouvelle fois je fais appel  a vos services pour une menace persistance.

je vous joins le rapport genere

Merci pour vos conseils

Re: Random Internet connection problem and exploit protection shutdown


Please try the following:

  • Download mbam-clean.exe from here to your desktop and save it.
  • Locate the file mbam-clean.exe and double-click to run it and follow the onscreen prompts.
  • It will ask to restart your computer, please allow it to do so very important.

If you have any other anti-virus application running in the background, please shut it down in order to avoid any conflicts whe...

Re: AdwCleaner needs a .dll for running

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


You can't use any sqlite3.dll file, AdwCleaner uses a very specific one. We'll need some cleaning before:

- Launch AdwCleaner, ignore the error message. Click on File > Uninstall.


  1. Download CCleaner from here, and install it.
  2. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  3. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours....

Re: AdwCleaner "stopped working"


First of all, thanks for your feedback.

You did nothing wrong. It would just have been easier with a debug logfile but we can still try to understand what was the issue.

Can you please share the scan logfile showing the folders that you cleaned manually?


AdwCleaner "stopped working"

dans AdwCleaner par Marethyu

When I ran the AdwCleaner, it scanned everything and found some problems. I clicked "Clean" and it said that all programs must be closed for it to run as safely as possible. When it was running and stopping programs while cleaning folders, files etc, at one point, it just "Stopped responding" for quite awhile. Should I wait even longer?