Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.


Sorry for the late answer.

The detection should no longer happen with 7.1.1.

Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes

dans AdwCleaner par heinz1

Aftr installing a Printer Software Adwcleaner found an Adware.

Adware.FileTour           HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Installer

Malwarebytes says my System is clean ? Which Software can i trust ?


Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

edit: in case you deleted the folder via adwcleaner you have to restore it and then locate the folder so your battlenet knows where the files are. otherwise its gonna re download it all. just restored it now so yea now i just have to remember to not delete it again when using adwcleaner again x) also the new version fixed the false positive: greast and fast!

AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan

dans AdwCleaner par HiSpeed


Probably a false positive:

# -------------------------------
# Malwarebytes AdwCleaner
# -------------------------------
# Build:    04-27-2018
# Database: 2018-04-30.1
# Support:
# -------------------------------
# Mode: Scan
# -------------------------------
# Start:    04-30-2018
# Duration: 00:00:11
# OS:       Windows 7 Professional
# ...

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans Adguard par fleks717

just seen this one too you can to the surveys with edge as browser and just check under settings to delete cookies after every session -> no PUP's at all. The site just uses cookies to give you better ad's for you to potentialy make money - nothing to worry about. the moment you delete cookies,the pups are gone - check the option to do it baseline with each session closing and you dont even hav...

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

small update to this matter (in case anyone else has this annoyance): these PUP's are just cookies used by the site so if you check the option to delete these after every session then you will not have any PUP's - started noticing this after swapping over to edge and i use the delete everything after each session anyhow so happy coincidence 


Re: Fibril.exe

dans Rkill par Destrio5

C'est OK pour ça ;)

Juste cette extension sur Firefox qui est douteuse :

FF Extension: (Flash Video Downloader) - C:\Users\pstar\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\sovl3vhv.default\Extensions\ [2018-03-29]

Re: AdwCleaner

dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Malwarebytes must be able to delete it :

Re: Fibril.exe

dans Rkill par RiiNeYScOo

Merci enfait j'ai trouvé c'était une connerie dans le registre ( HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon/fibril.exe ) Je l'ai supprimé j'ai plus de soucis... Mais tiens si tu veux quand même jeter un oeil au cas ou =>  

Re: Mon pc est lent, amazon assistant auto-installe seule, mon pc se déconnecte seul de la wifi


Ok. Mais je viens de scanner mon pc à nouveau avec adwcleaner qui l'a detecté et supprimé. Voici le rapport

Mais je viens de redemarrer google chrome, et bien amazon y est toujours. :-s