
dans ToolsLib par ****

im am a new member of ToolsLib and i think it is quite a nice platform for all and everything. The only problem i have encountered now is the language issue on most of the tools on offer. i need to know if there is a way to translate or change to english the tools that aren't in english, that would be a very big help maybe not only to me but to all the other members that aren't multilinguial.


Re: Missed remnants

dans AdwCleaner par ****

More changes:

$L_GENSEARCH = "Searching for generic elements ..." Please change the current translation to this for now:$L_GENSEARCH = "Trwa wyszukiwanie typowych obiektów..." BTW, what does that exactly mean? Maybe I would be able to find a better translation.

$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono" I assume this is used only once scan completes. To make it more clear, I would change it to:$L_FINISHED = ...

Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

dans AdsFix par fr33tux


There should be a new file on your desktop looking like "ZHPDiag.txt". You may use it through there.


Re: Keyboarding interruptions in Yahoo Mail

dans AdsFix par nutech2014

OK thanks. Still strange.  Still having the problem. Maybe I'll contact Rogers techies again.

Re: Missed remnants

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I'm sorry if I was annoying, but you could have told me this before instead of ignoring me. So you need to add the strings one by one? Why does it work that way? Maybe I could send you them in some other format?

About the submitted files: what do you mean? I don't understand how the path can be more precise than it is now.

Re: AdwCleaner 5.032 Empty Version Update Dialog Box on XP

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I have the exact same problem and noticed it on the previous version as well (I have windows 8.1).  I was starting to think there was something wrong with my computer, but now that I know that I'm not alone maybe somebody forgot to code the update message.

Fenêtre de version obsolète vide

dans AdwCleaner par ****


La fenêtre de version obsolète reste vide chez moi (j'ai W7 et W8.1). Ça ne me gène pas, mais risque de ne pas faire sérieux pour les personnes découvrant ce précieux logiciel.


The outdated version window stay empty to me (I have W8 and W8.1). I don't care, but it may seem not serious for the people discovery this precious software. (sorry for my bad english)

Re: AdwCleaner Will Not Run on Win XP Computer

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


As said previously, v5.032 fixes the crashes on Windows XP. Regarding the winsock reset, we'll take a look on that and maybe disable this option by default.


Re: ramnit virus

dans AdwCleaner par regist

downloaded the latest adw,  problem with a virus in the exe..  ramnit virus detected by ....  reason core security.. brrrr...  then downloaded

the exe on my external backup disk and ran the scan again...  same result ... as the virus was already in my system,  ran my recent backup.. virus gone

johan442, 2016-01-20 04:35:56 (UTC)

You are infected with file-virus. Win32/Ramnit (and related v...

Re: DDur externe demande formatage

Testdisk indique : not file found, filesystem may be domaged.

vulcain, 2016-01-27 17:44:21 (UTC)

Hmh, ça c'est moins bien. :(

On va essayer avec la recherche approfondie (Deeper Search). La manipulation est un peu plus longue parcontre.

Pour ça, il vous suffit de répéter cette manipulation et ensuite :

  • Arrivé sur l'écran de listing des partitions (vertes), faites "Entrée" pour continuer pu...