Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

last update 19 20 june

the acquisition of malawarebyte has slowed too much the process of updating...

before it was nearly ecery 2 weeks..

so sad about it..



Infection ou pas?

dans AdwCleaner par GEGEPING

Bonjour ^^

Avec l'une des dernières maj de la base, deux chose sont apparues en tant que choses nuisibles:


C'est localisé dans app local data et user enfin un truc comme ça.

J'ai scanné avec Malwarebytes et lui ne trouve rien de cela.

Pourtant adwcleaner est une partie de Malwarebytes.

Zhpdiag et Zhpcleaner ne trouvent rien

D'avance merci pour votre aide

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


Thanks for the confirmation.

Yes, I was speaking of MB3 as Malwarebytes 3 as a replacement for your BSOD'ing Comodo:

A more detailled description:

If you need some details, just ask.

Re: Anti-Virus publishers Blocked??


Can you please execute this software?

To use it, simply execute AVCertClean.exe.

A logfile will open at the end, please host it on and share the link in your next reply.


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, today I had the first "real" bluescreen after 11th april.

Boot > manually update CID database (in a few secvonds since the defs has been updated yesterday) > end of downloading process > bluescreen BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000C2 !! 

Reboot: CIS updates has not been installed! CIS is now dowloading a big database file: 270MB!! In CIS scanner folder the file "bxxxxxxx.cav" cannot be deleted sin...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello dear fr33tux,

taa taratàtta taaaaaa (I-II-III C trumpets)

pim popopìm pom p'rrrrrrrr (kettledrums in G-C)

You will understand the reason for this Fanfare by looking at the following report (after the....11th pass!) for B_Desktop:

No words, music only! :D 

[ If there were a portable (!) USB version for Windows I could do a further t...

Re: My software not shown under recently updated tab in the footer

dans MBrowser par melwin

oh now i got it thanks for the explanation i didn't knew the new system update works in a different way. Thanks for the reply


Re: My software not shown under recently updated tab in the footer


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you just replaced the older file. It does not work like that anymore with the new version history system. In order for us to know when a software has been updated, you need to add a new file (the new version) each time you want to update it.

Take a look here:


Re: Pc très lent,dans l’exécution des taches

c'est choses devrait aider:

- reduire le nombre de programmes lancés

- verifier les mises à jours de windows, ainsi que des pilotes 

- reduire le nombre de taches au démarrage (tu semble avoir beaucoup de tâches planifiées (62))


la version de windows est 32bits ansi que de 2Gb de ram (D'après les logs fournies), Ajouté plus de ram et installer windows 64bits pourrait 

peut-être réssoudr...